Thorax structures & functions Flashcards
What are the 3 parts of the sternum?
Manubrium, body & xiphoid
What are the 2 functions of the thoracic cage?
To protect the thoracic contents & provide flexibility for the movement involved in respiration.
What are the 3 contents of the ‘thoracic cavity’?
Mediastinum, lungs & pleura & diaphragm.
What structures does the thoracic inlet contain? (4)
Trachea, oesophagus, apices of lungs & neurovascular structures passing to/from upper head & upper limb.
What structures is the thoracic inlet bounded by?
T1 vertebra posteriorly
1st ribs & costal cartilages laterally
Superior border of manubrium anteriorly.
What structures is the thoracic outlet bounded by?
Xiphoid process anteriorly
Costal margins of ribs 7-10
Ribs 11 & 12
T12 vertebra posteriorly
What structures attach to the manubrium of the sternum?
Clavicles & first & upper parts of 2nd costal cartilages.
At what level is the manubriosternal joint?
At what level is the body of the sternum?
What costal cartilages does the body of the sternum receive?
What part of the sternum is cartilaginous until it ossifies in adults?
Xiphoid process
1-7th ribs = ____ ribs
8-10th ribs = ____ ribs
11-12th = ____ ribs
What part of the rib joins it to the body of the vertebra?
How many articular facets do ribs 3-9 have?
How many articular facets does the 10th rib have?
The _____of the rib forms the joint to the transverse process of the vertebra
Where is the costal groove of the rib located?
Inferior edge @ internal aspect of rib
What rib is uncommon?
Cervical rib
Whats a problem with the presence of a cervical rib?
Compression of the neurovascular structures, e.g. subclavian artery/ brachial plexus
Laminae connect the _____ processes with the ____ processes
What structures of the vertebrae form the intervertebral foramina?
The superior & inferior articular processes from adjoining vertebrae
In relation to the thoracic vertebra, transverse processes are for ____ ______ with the ribs. Long spinal processes point ______ sharply. ____ thickness of vert. disc compared to lumbar & cervical. Superior articular facets face back & lateral, limiting ______/_____ & _____ flexion movements
joint formation downwards medium flexion/extension lateral
The ______ is the central compartment of the thoracic cavity which lies between the right & left lungs.
What does the mediastinum NOT contain?
Name the 4 compartments of the mediastinum
Superior mediastinum
The superior mediastinum contains:
t___ (in children), vessels incl. a___ of a____, t____, o_____, t____ duct, v____ nerves, l____ r_____ l_____ nerve, p____ nerves.
thymus arch of aorta trachea oesophagus thoracic vagus left recurrent laryngeal phrenic
Anterior mediastinum contains:
t_____ (in children)
c______ tissues & f__
connective tissues
Middle mediastinum contains:
h____, p____, p____ nerve
Heart, pericardium, phrenic
Posterior mediastinum contains:
t_____ a____, t____ duct, a___ & h_____ veins, o______
thoracic aorta, thoracic duct, azygos & hemiazygos veins & oesophagus
Where is the ascending aorta located? level of costal cartilage _ to _
Middle mediastinum
3 to 2
The ascending aorta ascends from the a_____ o____ of l___ v_____ to aortic arch
Aortic orifice
left ventricle
What is the ascending aorta covered by?
What arteries branch out from the ascending aorta?
coronary arteries
Where is the aortic arch located?
Superior mediastinum
What are the 3 branches of the aortic arch?
- Brachiocephalic trunk
- Left common carotid artery
- Left subclavian artery
At what level does the descending aorta commence?
Level of T4/T5.
The descending aorta is located in the _____ mediastinum. It descends left side of the T_ -T__ vertebrae.
Where does the descending aorta enter the abdomen?
Aortic hiatus
What 5 structures does the descending aorta distribute to? (i____ s_____, b____, o_____, p______, d______)
Intercostal spaces bronchus oesophagus pericardium diaphragm
The right posterior intercostal vein drains into what vein?
Azygos vein
The left posterior intercostal vein drains into which 2 veins?
Hemiazygos/ accessory hemiazygos.
Where does the azygos vein begin?
The azygos vein is a continuation of the right a______ l_____ v______
Ascending lumbar vein
What structure does the azygos vein drain into and at what level?
Superior vena cava
level of sternal angle
The brachiocephalic veins are formed by the union of what veins (2)?
Subclavian & internal jugular
What structures form the superior vena cava?
Brachiocephalic veins
Do the brachiocephalic veins have valves?
Which of the two brachiocephalic veins is longer?
What does the thoracic duct start as in the abdomen? (c___ c___)
cisterna chyli
The thoracic duct carries lymph from the whole body except from what parts? (3)q
Right side of thorax, right upper limb, right side of head & neck
What is the thoracic duct?
Large lymph duct
Where does the thoracic duct enter?
The junction of the subclavian and internal jugular veins
Where does the oesophagus extend from?
The level of the lower border of cricoid cartilage to the cardiac orifice of stomach.
What supplies the oesophagus?
Inferior thyroid artery, branches of thoracic aorta & gastric artery
How long is the oesophagus?
How long is the trachea?
Where does the trachea extend from?
level of inferior border of cricoid cartilage at C6 - T4/5 where it bifurcates at the level of the sternal angle to form right and left bronchi.
How many U-shaped cartilages are there in the trachea roughly?
What structure does the oesophagus receive its blood supply from?
Inferior thyroid artery
Which of the two bronchi gives off branches before entering hilum of lung?
Right main bronchus
How many lobar bronchi does the right main bronchus give off?
How many lobar bronchi does the left main bronchus give off?
How many lobes does the right lung have?
What 2 fissures does the right lung contain?
Oblique & horizontal
How many lobes does the left lung have and what’s the name of the fissure?
2, oblique
What’s the name of the little part of the left lung that corresponds anatomically to the right lung’s middle lobe?
Name 2 important parts of the left lung
Lingula & cardiac notch
How many segments are in the right lung?
How many segments are in the left lung?
What vertebra and costal cartilage does the oblique fissure correspond with?
5th vertebra
6th CC
What costal cartilage does the horizontal fissure correspond with and what rib does it meet the oblique fissure?
4th CC
5th rib
What rib corresponds with horizontal fissure?
4th rib
What ribs correspond with oblique fissure?
5th & 6th ribs
What ribs correspond with base of lung?
8th & 9th ribs
What rib corresponds with the inferior margin of parietal pleura?
9th rib
Name the 2 layers of the pleura
Parietal & visceral
What does the parietal pleura attach to?
Chest wall, diaphragm & lateral aspect of mediastinum.
What does the visceral pleura attach to?
The outer surface of the lungs including fissures.
Where do the 2 parietal layers become continuous?
Hilum of the lungs
What’s the function of pleural fluid?
Act as a lubricant during respiration
What is a pleural recess?
Space where the two parietal layers become opposed/distant
Name 2 pleural recesses
Costodiaphragmatic recess
Costomediastinal recess