Thorax And Abdomen Flashcards
What are the 4 muscles involved in respiration?
External intercostals
Internal intercostals
Origin and insertion of Sternocleidomastoid
O: manubrium and medial end of clavicle
I: mastoid process of temporal bone
Origin and insertion of scalenes
O: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
I: on ribs 1 and 2
Which way do the external intercostals run?
Superior and lateral
inferior and medial
Which way do internal intercostals run?
Superior and medial
inferior and lateral
6 abdominal muscles and 1 fascia
Rectus abdominus External oblique Internal oblique Transverse abdominus Quadratus lumborum Psoas major Thoracolumbar fascia
Rectus abdominus
External oblique
Runs superior and posterior to inferior and anterior
Internal oblique
Runs superior and anterior to inferior and posterior
Transversus abdominus
3rd inner most layer
Quadratus lumborum (O & I)
Iliac crest to transverse process of lumbar vertebrae and rib 12
Psoas major
Lumbar vertebrae to lesser trochanter (femur)
Thoracolumbar fascia
Tough, fibrous Non-contractile tissue that helps to stabilise the back
What are the three passages through the diaghram and what passes through them?
Caval foramen - inferior vena cava
Aortic hiatus - descending aorta
Esophageal hiatus - oesophagus
Sternoclavicular joint
Structural: Synovial saddle
Functional: Diarthrosis biaxial
Manubriosternal joint
Structural: Cartilaginous, symphysis
Functional: Amphiarthrosis
Xiphisternal joint
Structural: Cartilaginous, synchondrosis
Functional: Synarthrosis
1st Sternocostal joint
Structural: Cartilaginous, synchondrosis
Functional: Synarthrosis
2nd - 7th Sternocostal joints
Structural: Synovial, plane
Functional: Diarthrosis, non-axial
Interchondral joints
Structural: Cartilaginous, synchondrosis
Functional: Synarthrosis
Costochondral joints
Structural: Cartilaginous, synchondrosis
Functional: Synarthrosis
Costovertabral joints
Structural: Synovial, plane
Functional: Diarthrosis, non-axial
Costotransverse joints
Structural: Synovial, plane
Functional: Diarthrosis, non-axial
Of the transversospinales group, how many vertebrae does each muscle skip?
Semispinalis: skips lots
Multifidus: skips one vertebrae
Rotatores: doesn’t skip any