Thorax Flashcards
Vertebral level of superior angle of scapula
Vertebral level of spine of scapula - medial end
Vertebral level of inferior angle of scapula
Vertebral level of manubrium
Vertebral level of jugular notch
Vertebral level of sternal angle
Vertebral level of tracheal bifurcation
Vertebral level of start and end of aortic arch
Vertebral level of body of sternum
Vertebral level of xiphisternum
Vertebral level of transpyloric plane
Vertebral level of subcostal plane
How many places do you auscultate/percuss for each lobe
Upper 4 (front and back) Middle 2 Lower 2 (front and back)
What does stony percussion of lungs indicate
Pleural effusion
What does a hyper resonant percussion indicate
How does a pneumothorax percussion sound
How does a pleural effusion percussion sound
Surface marking of upper/middle/lower lobes
- Upper lobes – from apex above clavicles to horizontal fissure in right lung (4th CC) or oblique fissure in left lung (6th CC)
- Middle lobe – between 4th and 6th CC in right lung
- Lower lobe found laterally between 6th and 7th CC
Describe & demonstrate the surface markings of the oblique and horizontal fissures of
right/left lung.
- Oblique – from T3/4 posteriorly to meet the 6th rib/CC anteriorly
- Horizontal – from 4th CC anteriorly to meet the oblique fissure in the mid-axillary line
Describe & demonstrate the surface marking of the inferior margin of parietal pleura of
right/left lung.
- Apex in the root of the neck above medial third of clavicle
- Just right of midline at level of 2nd CC
- Just right of midline at level of 6th CC
- MCL at level of 8th rib (just above costal margin)
- MAL at level of 10th rib (lowest point of costal margin)
- Scapular line crossing 12th rib
- Transverse process of T1 vertebrae
- Cardiac notch in left lung between 2nd and 6th CC
Describe & demonstrate the surface marking of inferior margin of the visceral pleura of
right/left lung.
- Apex in the root of the neck above medial third of clavicle
- Just right of midline at level of 2nd CC
- Just right of midline at level of 6th CC
- MCL at level of 6th rib
- MAL at level of 8th rib
- Scapular line at level of 10th rib posteriorly
Describe and demonstrate the triangle of safety for insertion of a chest drain
- Posterior - Latissimus dorsi - posterior axillary fold
- Anterior - Pectoralis major - anterior axillary fold
- Inferior - 4th/5th intercostal space at mid-axillary line
- Superior - below apex of axilla
- Lies over 2nd-5th ICS
Describe & demonstrate the surface marking of mediastinal pleura of right & left lung
on the anterior chest wall
- Sternal angle to T4
- At hilum, reflected on to vessels and bronchi
- Continuous with visceral pleura
Demonstrate the surface marking of upper/right/inferior/left borders of the heart.
- Just lateral to right sternal border at the 3rd CC
- Just lateral to the right sternal border at the 6th CC (at level of xiphisternal joint)
- At the position of apex beat, which is normally palpable just medial to the MCL in the 5th left ICS)
- Lateral (about 2.5 cm) to the left sternal border at the 2nd CC
Demonstrate where you would auscultate for aortic/pulmonary/mitral/tricuspid valves
using a stethoscope.
- Aortic – right 2nd ICS near sternum
- Pulmonary – left 2nd ICS near sternum
- Mitral – left 5th ICS at mid-clavicular line (apex beat)
- Tricuspid – left 5th ICS near sternum
Describe the surface marking of the apex beat of the heart and demonstrate palpation
• 5th left ICS just medial to MCL
Demonstrate the sites of routine venepuncture
• Antebrachial vein in the cubital fossa
Describe and demonstrate the surface marking of the arch of the aorta
- Beginning of arch (from ascending aorta) at level of right 2nd CC
- Top of the arch midway between jugular notch and sternal angle
- End of arch (becoming thoracic aorta) at level of left 2nd CC
Describe and demonstrate the surface markings of the internal jugular vein & common carotid artery.
- Common carotid artery from the right SCJ to the lobe of the ear
- Internal jugular vein lateral to the common carotid artery to the SCJ
Which ribs are the cardiac notch inbetween