Thorax Flashcards
What divides the superior mediastinum with the inferior mediastinum?
What spinal level is this?
Sternal angle
Which side does the trachea deviate to in a tension pneumothorax?
Away from pneumothorax (towards side of lower pressure)
What are the 6 boundaries of the superior mediastinum?
Sup: superior thoracic aperture
Ant: manubrium
Post: T1 - T4
Inf: sternal angle plane
Lateral: mediastinal parts of parietal pleura
What parts of the body does the right lymphatic duct drain?
Where does it drain into?
Right upper limb
Right side of head
Right thorax
Right subclavian vein
Which parts of the body does the thoracic duct drain?
Where does it drain into?
Left thorax, upper limb, head
Lower limbs
Left subclavian vein
Which hiatus does the thoracic duct use to enter the thorax from the abdomen?
Aortic hiatus
What is the blood supply to the thymus?
Arterial: branches of internal thoracic
Venous: left brachiocephalic & internal thoracic
What are the 3 locations for lymphatic drainage of the thymus?
Along internal thoracic arteries (parasternal)
At trachial bifurcation (tracheobronchial)
At root of the neck
Which nerve does the left recurrent laryngeal nerve arise from?
What structure does the LRL nerve pass under before ascending?
Left vagus nerve
Arch of aorta
Which nerve does the right recurrent laryngeal nerve arise from?
What structure does the RRL nerve pass under before ascending?
Right vagus nerve
Right subclavian artery
What are the boundaries of the posterior mediastinum?
Sup: sternal angle plane
Inf: diaphragm
Lat: mediastinal parietal pleura
Which veins does the azygous vein arise from?
Which side of the spine does it sit on anatomically?
Right subcostal v and right ascending lumbar v
Where does the hemiazygous vein arise from?
At what spinal level does it cross the vetebral column?
Junction between L subcostal vein and L ascending lumbar vein
At what spinal level does the accessory hemiazygous vein cross the vertebral column to join the azygous vein?
What does the cisterna chyli drain?
Confluency of lymph trunks in abdomen (L1-L2)
Drains abdomen, pelvis, perineum, lower limbs