Thorax Flashcards
Contents of the superior mediastinum?
Superior vena cava
Brachiocephalic veins
Arch of aorta
Thoracic duct
Vagus nerve
Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
Phrenic nerve
Contents of the anterior mediastinum?
Thymic remnants
Lymph nodes
Contents of the posterior mediastinum?
Thoracic aorta
Azygos vein
Thoracic duct
Vagus nerve
Sympathetic nerve trunks
Splanchnic nerves
Contents of the middle mediastinum?
Aortic root
Arch of azygos vein
Main bronchi
What is the border of the superior mediastinum?
above line between manubriosternal angle and T4/5
Where is the apex of both lungs?surface anatomy
4cm superior to the sterno-costal joint of the first rib
Where is the apex of the middle right lobe?
posterior and it lies deep to the 6th rib in the mid axillary line
Anteriorly what is the middle right lobe in contact with?
5th, 6th and 7th costal cartiladges.
Where is aortic valve replacement commonly seen on Xray?
Usually located medial to the 3rd interspace on the right.
where is mitral valve replacement commonly seen on Xray?
Usually located medial to the 4th interspace on the left.
where is tricuspid valve replacement commonly seen on Xray?
Usually located medial to the 5th interspace on the right.
Left recurrent laryngeal nerve path?
Arises from the vagus on the aortic arch. It hooks around the inferior surface of the arch, posterior to the ligamentum arteriosum and passes upwards through the superior mediastinum and lower part of the neck.
It passes with the inferior thyroid artery and inserts into the larynx.
What does the left recurrent laryngeal supply?
oesophagus and trachea (supplies both).
Path of the right recurrent laryngeal?
Arises from vagus anterior to the first part of the subclavian artery, hooks under it, and ascends superomedially. It passes close to the common carotid and finally the inferior thyroid artery to insert into the larynx
Which vessel provides greatest contribution to arterial supply of the breast?
60% of the arterial supply to the breast is derived from the internal mammary artery
Nerve supply of the breast?
Branches of intercostal nerves from T4-T6.
Arterial supply of the breast?
Internal mammary (thoracic) artery
External mammary artery (laterally)
Anterior intercostal arteries
Thoraco-acromial artery
Venous drainage of the breast?
Superficial venous plexus to subclavian, axillary and intercostal veins.