Thoracic Surgery Flashcards
What is a pneumothorax?
List the 3 types of pneumothorax
primary spontaneous
secondary spontaneous
traumatic/ emergency
What is a primary spontaneous pneumothorax?
Describe the common patient population who would get this type.
Which parts of the lung are usually affected?
What is the definitive cause and treatment?
How would a patient with a primary spontaneous pneumothorax present?
How would you investigate a patient with a primary spontaneous pneumothorax?
What are the complications of a primary spontaneous pneumothorax?
What is a bullectomy?
what is pleurodesis?
Where is needle aspiration done? What size of needle is used?
What about a chest drain?
2nd ICS MCL with a 14G needle
4-5 ICS, MAL
How would you manage a simple small and large primary spontaneous pneumothorax?
You have performed a needle aspiration of a pneumothorax however the patient’s condition has not changed and the pneumothorax is still present. What would you do next?
How would you manage a tension primary spontaneous pneumothorax?
How would you manage a primary spontaneous pneumothorax surgically?
How would you manage a primary spontaneous pneumothorax?
What is a secondary spontaneous pneumothorax and what are some causes?
A traumatic Pneumothorax is typically iatrogenic or traumatic. This trauma may lead to 2 types of injury/ pneumothorax.
What are they?
What are the typical mechanisms of injury that cause each type of traumatic pneumothorax?
Your patient was shot in the chest. You notice the pneumothorax expanding.
Why did this occur?
What is the management of a tension pneumothorax?
What is the management of an open pneumothorax?
What are the borders of the triangle of safety?
Why is chest drain inserted above the ribs?
A chest drain should never be lifted above the level of the bed. Why?
to prevent backflow into the pleural space
Describe the process of a chest drain insertion.
How would you confirm that a chest tube is in the right place?
If a patient is considered for a lung transplant, what part of the management of pleural diseases would contra-indicate the patient for transplant?
VATS Pleurodesis
What are 2 ways of performing a pleurodesis?
How would you surgically manage an empyema?
VAT decortication of empyema
A patient post pleurodesis has developed post-op pyrexia. Is this a concerning finding? What does it indicate?