prone oscillation for rotation / general mob using arm
prone + slight GH traction
oscillate to feel t/s move
move arm up to get lower t/s
general mobilization for rotation prone
prone oscillate directly on side of spine
general mob and HR to increase rotation sitting
seated arms crossed on shoulders
therapist is close and puts hand on opp shld
rotate pt with thumb palpating specific sp
if restricted do hR
mob for CV joint
prone arms hanging over table
hand on rib
step away and glide in and down
ventral rib mob (cv+ct)
stabilize tp on your side
mob rib on opp side
straight doen pressure
rib stuck in inspiration MET
rib cant go down
have them do a breath
anchor the rib down and have inspire
as expire push even more down
arm on table
rib stuck in expiration MET
rib cant go up
have them do a breath
anchor the rib up and have expire
as inspire push even more up
arm OH
serratus anterior release
side lying affected side up with arm behind back
small 50/50 btw thumbs
can lean body on shld o increase space
sidelying foam roller t/s
sidelying 90/90
roll hand on foam roller
encourage chest to face down
side lying book
take breath and bring hand to ceiling
exhale and bring to floor
inhale back to ceiling
exhale back to start
trunk rotation supine w/swiss ball
hook lying
hold ball above head and twist to either side
4 point trunk rotation
4 point
hand near ear
rotate up to sky
seated spine twist
sit with legs in v
arms in t and rotate side to side
rotation on swiss ball
sit on ball
bring arms into t and rotate right
allow hips to follow so end up in lunge
step up with rotation
step up onto bench and rotate
can have dowel on shld to keep them level