Thoracic Spine Rehab Flashcards
common conditions of the T-spine
Scheuermann’s disease
excessive kyphosis
muscle strain
scap dyskinesis
T/S contributes to an estimated __ of total force and kinetic energy generated during a throw, __ of total trunk rotation, and is linked to the __
upper limb
exercises should be classified according to
motor control
work capacity
what is important with T/S exercises
move in all 3 planes of mvt
passive techniques to help with relaxation of muscle
other techniques than MRF that can help with muscle relaxation
foam rolling, TrPR, breathing
see ppt for exercises
what do you see with increased kyphosis
hypertonic flexors
hypertonic rib depressors
weak extensors
weak rib elevators
what do you see with decreased kyphosis
hypertonic extensors
hypertonic rib elevators
weak flexors
weak rib depressors
thoracic osteoporosis rehab
moderate weight bearing exercises
resisted UE weight training
scoliosis may affect
treatment for scoliosis
conservative (exercise vs bracing)
surgical ( typically >30 deg)
when is surgery chosen for scoliosis
failed conservative
debilitating back/leg pain
severely restricted ADL and function
bracing for scoliosis
btw 10-25 degrees
typically prescribed when curve hits 25 deg and adolescent hasnt reached skeletal maturity
use of bracing
release load on concave portion and increase load on convex portion
conservative treatment exercise
schroth method
de-rotate, elongate and stabilize 3 planes of mvt
what can help with awareness of trunk deformity
visualization with mirror
what can cause hypomobility of T/S
soft tissue restriction
overactive SNS
posture dysfunction
articulation issue
what to do with soft tissue restriction
soft tissue mob
what to do with overactive SNS
what to do with posture dysfunction
Fryette’S laws
what to do with articulation issue
joint mob
wha to do with mobility
motor control
what to do generally with hypomobile T/S
include passive and active ex.
stabilize mobile segments while mobilizing hypomobile segments
pain btw scap associated with
lack of thoracic rotation
Tx of TOS
scap positioning
clavicle mob
1st rib mob
UFT, scalene, Pecs release
strengthening of scap stabilizers
neuromeningeal mob
sleeping position/ ADL position education
Cyriax method prior to sleeping done when
pt cannot avoid provocative positions
Cyriax method
lay on uninvolved side
avoid prone
goal is to fully unload the neurovasc. structure
may not have relief at first
1st rib mob
improve costoclavicuclar space
correct neck breathing
mob of clavicle and GH
improves arthokinematics of clavicle
GH limitations can lead to
compensatory patterns decreasing the costoclavicular space