Thoracic region Flashcards
What is the function of the thoracic cage?
Protection of vital organs, provides muscle attachments, assists respiration
What are the atypical thoracic vertebrae and what makes them atypical?
T1: vertebrae articulates with a single facet of its’ own rib
T10/T11: lack inf. demi-facets on their bodies
T11/T12: lack transverse costal facets, articulating only with the heads of their own ribs.
What is the thoracic rule of 3?
T123 SP & TP are equal
T456 SP 1/2 level below TP
T789 SP 1 level below TP
T10 SP 1 level below TP
T11 SP 1/2 level below TP
T12 SP & TP are equal
True ribs
Upper 7 ribs that articulate directly with the sternum
False ribs
remaining 5 pairs of ribs that have no direct articulation with the sternum
Floating ribs
ribs 11 & 12 have no connection anteriorly with any of the other ribs or the sternum.
Joints between thoracic vertebrae
Facet/zygapophysial - horizontal and help facilitate rotation (synovial plane)
Intervertebral - secondary cartilaginous symphysis between vertebral bodies with intervertebral disc in-between
Joints between ribs and vertebrae
Costovertebral joints - head of rib & costal facet on vertebral body (synovial plane)
Costotransverse joints - tubercle of rib with TP of vertebrae (synovial plane)
Joints between cartilage & ribs
Costochondral joint - between sternal end of rib & lateral end of cc (primary cartilaginous no movement)
Interchondral joint - between the cc of last few ribs (6,7,8,9)(synovial plane) Joints between 9th & 10th is fibrous.
Joints of sternum
Manubrial-sternal - symphysis (manubrium and body of sternum)
Sterno-clavicular - saddle joint articulation between sternal end of clavicle with manubrium of sternum and 1st cc
Xiphisternal - synchondrosis articulation between xiphoid process and sternum
Sternocostal - 1st rib is primary cartilaginous from 1st cc articulates with manubrium of sternum. 2nd-7th are synovial plane sternum and 2-7th cc
What are the movements within the thoracic spine?
Less mobile than lumbar and cervical region
Rotation is greatest range
Flexion & lateral flexion more restricted
What typical features do typical ribs have (3rd-9th)?
Head - has 2 facets that articulate with demi-facets of its articulating thoracic vertebrae.
Crest - raised bone in-between facets articulate with intervertebral disc at same level
Tubercle - articular surface articulates with TP of its own level
Distinct features of upper and lower ribs
RIB 1 - flat, slopes inf. attaches to manubrium, contains scalene tubercle and 2 separate grooves
RIB 2 - like rib 1 but twice as long
RIB 10 - single facet, articulates with its own vertebra
RIBS 11 & 12 - articulates only with its own vertebra, no tubercles or necks.
Intercostal spaces (contents and muscles)
Spaces between ribs which holds a neurovascular bundle
CONTENTS: Intercostal arteries and veins, intercostal nerve
MUSCLES: External, internal and innermost intercostals
The intercostal neurovascular bundle passes between the innermost and intermediate intercostals
Flexion muscles
Rectus Abdominus
External Obliques
Internal Obliques
Extension muscles
Erector Spinae
Side flexion muscles
Erector Spinae, Internal Obliques, External Obliques, Multifidus, Intertransversus, Rectus Abdominus
Rotation muscles
Internal Obliques, External Obliques, Erector Spinae, Rotatores, Rectus Abdominus, Multifidus