Cervical region anatomy Flashcards
What is the function of the cervical spine?
Mobility, support, protection of spinal canal & neural structures
Uncovertebral Joints
AKA joints of Hubert von Luschka only in the cervical spine
SYNOVIAL PLANE - capsule w/ synovial membrane which provides further stability
sit on each side of the cervical discs
They also allow for flexion and extension and limit side flexion in the cervical spine
Atlas (C1)
2 lateral masses
biconcave sup. articular surface
Ant. arch (articular facet for odontoid peg on Axis)
Post. arch (post. tubercle)
Inf. articular surface allows articulation with Axis
Transverse foramen x2 (allows blood vessels to ascend to brain from heart)
Transverse processes
Axis (C2)
Odontoid peg
2 lat. articular facets
TP and foramen x2
Lamina (2 narrow)
Bifid SP
Vertebra Prominens
C7 - has a longer SP making it more prominent
Atlanto-Occipital Joint (C0-C1)
Synovial ellipsoid joint
C0 - occipital condyles (convex)
C1 - sup. articular facet on the atlas (concave)
Median Atlanto-Axial Joint (C1-C2)
synovial pivot joint
articulation between the odontoid peg and the facet for dens
- convex rectangular facet on the front of the dens
- concave facet inner aspect of ant. arch of the atlas
- post. surface of the dens articulates with the transverse lig
Lateral Atlanto-Axial Joint (C1-C2)
Synovial plane joint
2 concave inf. facets of the atlas articulate w/ the 2 convex sup. facets of the axis
Articular Pillar
facet joints within the cervical spine (zygapophysial)
Transverse atlantal ligament
Runs transversely between the lateral masses of the atlas, attaching to tubercles on medial aspects.
Prevents ant. displacement of atlas on axis
Cruciform ligament
Superior longitudinal band attaches from basilar part of occipital bone to sup. margin of transverse ligament.
Inf. longitudinal band attaches from inf. margin of transverse ligament to post. aspect of body of axis
Stabilises by limiting flexion
Alar Ligaments
From medial aspects of occiput to apex of dens. Limits flexion, rotation & side flexion. Prevents distraction of C1 on C2.
Apical Ligament
From ant. edge of Foramen Magnum to apex of dens. unknown function
Tectorial Membrane
From basilar part of occipital bone to post. surface of body of C2
Limits flexion and is a continuation of the PLL
Ligamentum Nuchae
Proximal attachment: external occipital protuberance to the foramen magnum
Distal: SP of vertebra C7
Also attaches at the post. tubercle of C1 and the SP of the other vertebrae.
Function: supports head, resists flexion, provides attachment for adjacent muscles and is a continuation of the supraspinous ligament
Ant. atlanto-occipital membrane
continuation of ALL superiorly attached to ant. aspect dens to ant. aspect of the Atlas
Lower cervical ligaments
ALL, PLL, interspinous, intertransverse, ligamentum flavum, supraspinous (ligamentum nuchae)
Vertebral Artery
Travels in TP of C6-C1 then pass through foramen magnum