Thoracic Limb Flashcards
What attaches to the scapular spine?
m. trapezius, m. omotransversarius, m. deltoideus (scapular portion)
What attaches to the acromion?
m. deltoideus (acromial portion)
What originates on the supraglenoid tubercle?
m. biceps brachii
What originates in the supraspinous fossa?
m. supraspinatus
What originates in the infraspinous fossa?
m. infraspinatus
What originates in the subscapular fossa?
m. subscapularis
What lies in the intertubercular groove of the humerus?
Bicipital tendon
What inserts on the greater tubercle of the humerus?
mm. supraspinatus and infraspinatus
What inserts on the lesser tubercle of the humerus?
m. subscapularis (and a portion of the deep pectoral m.)
What lies in the brachial groove?
m. brachialis
What originates from the tricipital line of the humerus?
the lateral head of m. triceps brachii
What is the capitulum?
the site of articulation for the head of the radius (lateral portion of trochlea)
What originates from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus?
craniolateral mm. of the antebrachium (m. extensor carpi radialis, common digital extensor, lateral digital extensor, m. extensor carpi ulnaris, m. extensor carpi obliquus, m. supinator)
m. anconeus
What originates from the medial epicondyle of the humerus?
caudomedial mm. of the antebrachium (m. flexor carpi ulnaris, SDF, DDF, m. flexor carpi radialis, m. pronator teres, m. pronator quadratus)
What inserts on the olecrannon process?
m. triceps brachii
What inserts on the accessory carpal bone?
mm. flexor carpi ulnaris and extensor carpi ulnaris
What is name of the caudal projection of the feline acromion?
suprahamate process
What originates from the coracoid process of the scapula?
m. corocobrachialis
What is different between the distal ends of the feline and canine humerus?
Canine - supratrochlear foramen
Feline - supracondylar foramen
What are the extrinsic mm. of the canine shoulder?
m. brachiocephalicus
m. omotranversarius
m. trapezius
m. latissimus dorsi
m. rhomboideus
m. serratus ventralis
deep pectoral m.
superficial pectoral m.
What is the additional extrinsic m. of the equine shoulder?
m. subclavius
Origin and insertion of m. serratus ventralis
Origin: transverse processes of C3-7
Insertion: serrated face of scapula
What is deep to the m. omotransversarius
superficial cervical lymph node
Origin and insertion of m. deltoideus
Origin: spine of scapular (canine and equine) and acromion (canine)
Insertion: deltoid tuberosity of the humerus
Origin and insertion of m. corobrachialis
Origin: corocoid process of the scapula
Insertion: crest of lesser tubercle
Origin of the long head of m. triceps brachii
caudal border of scapula
Origin of the medial head of m. triceps brachii
crest of lesser tubercle
Origin of the lateral head of m. triceps brachii
tricipital line of humerus
Origin of the accessory head of m. triceps brachii
neck of humerus
Origin and insertion of m. biceps brachii
Origin: supraglenoid tuberosity
Insertion: radial and ulnar tuberosities
Origin and insertion of m. brachialis
Origin: lateral aspect of proximal humerus
Insertion: radial and ulnar tuberosities
What structure bridges the greater and lesser tubercle to secure the bicipital tendon?
transverse humeral retinaculum
What is the insertion of m. extensor carpi radialis?
dorsal aspect of metacarpals II and III
What is the insertion of m. flexor carpi radialis?
palmar aspect of metacarpals II and III
What is the primary arterial blood supply to the entire thoracic limb? To the manus?
axillary a.
median a.
What regions of the body does the superficial cervical lymph node drain?
neck, cranial portion of shoulder, and all of forelimb distal to the elbow
What regions of the body does the axillary lymph node drain?
forelimb near the olecrannon and proximal trunk
Where can you test the axillary autonomous zone?
caudal to the shoulder joint and superficial to the m. triceps brachii
Where can you test the musculocutaneous autonomous zone?
medial humeral epicondyle
Where is the musculocutaneous autonomous zone?
medial aspect of antebrachium
Where is the axillary autonomous zone?
thin, vertical strip that runs from the caudal scapula to mid-brachium
Where can you test the radial autonomous zone?
dorsum of the metacarpus or over the lateral epicondyle
Where is the radial autonomous zone?
the entire dorsum of the manus and lateral aspect of the antebrachium
Where can you test the ulnar autonomous zone?
the olecrannon process or lateral aspect of digit V
Where is the ulnar autonomous zone?
caudal/palmar forelimb from olecrannon to paw (including pads)
What does the suprascapular n. innervate?
mm. supraspinatus and infraspinatus
What does the cranial pectoral n. innervate?
superficial pectoral m.
What does the subscapular n. innervate?
m. subscapularis
What does the musculocutaneous n. innervate?
mm. biceps brachii, brachialis, corocobrachialis, skin of medial limb
What does the axillary n. innervate?
mm. teres major, teres minor, deltoideus, and skin of lateral brachium
What does the thoracodorsal n. innervate?
m. latissimus dorsi
What does the lateral thoracic n. innervate?
m. cutaneous trunci
What does the deep brr. of radial n. innervate?
extensors of elbow, carpus, and digits
What does the superficial brr. of radial n. innervate?
skin of lateral limb
What does the median n. innervate?
Flexors of the carpus and digits, and pronators
What does the ulnar n. innervate?
Flexors of the carpus and digits, skin of caudal/palmar antebrachium and manus
What are the brr. of the axillary a.?
external thoracic a. (to sup. pectoral m.)
lateral thoracic a. (to deep pectoral m.)
subscapular a.
cranial circumflex humeral a. (to m. biceps and m. corocobrachialis)
What are the brr. of the subscapular a.?
caudal circumflex humeral a. (to m. triceps and m. deltoideus)
thoracodorsal a. (to m. lat. dorsi)
What are the brr. of the brachial a.?
deep brachial a. (to m. triceps)
collateral ulnar a. (to olecrannon)
superficial brachial a. (to dorsum of paw)
common interosseus (between radius and ulna)
What are the landmarks, target nerves, and effect of a heel block?
Landmark: ungual cartilage
Target: palmar digital nn.
Effect: numbs navicular and heel
What are the landmarks, target nerves, and effect of a basisesamoid block?
Landmark: base of proximal sesamoids
Target: palmar nn. (including dorsal brr. and palmar digital nn.)
Effect: numbs hoof, pastern, and palmar fetlock
What are the landmarks, target nerves, and effect of a low 4 point block?
Landmarks: button of splint bones, two fingers up and dorsad between the suspensory lig. and flexor tt.
Target: palmar and palmar metacarpal nn.
Effect: numbs from fetlock distad
What structure lies deep to the infraspinatus tendon as it crosses the scapulohumeral joint?
infraspinatus bursa
What are the medial and lateral thickenings of the shoulder joint capsule?
glenohumeral ligaments (collaterals)
What enlarges the margins of the glenoid cavity?
glenoid lip (labrum)
How many joints make up the elbow? How many joint sacs?
Joints: humeroradial, humeroulnar, radioulnar
Joint sacs: 1
Which side of the coronoid process is usually abnormal in shoulder dysplasia?
What is the function of the m. anconeus?
to lift the joint capsule during elbow extension and prevent it from being pinched
What structures support the carpus in carnivores?
Significant thickening of joint capsule
Short collateral ligg. that extend from radius/ulna to radial/ulnar carpal bones
Palmar carpal fibrocartilage
What structures define the carpal canal?
Proximal row of carpal bones
Accessory carpal bone
Flexor retinaculum
What are the contents of the canine carpal canal?
Digital flexor tendons
t. of m. flexor carpi radialis
Median a.
Median and ulnar nn.
What are the contents of the equine carpal canal?
Digital flexor tendons
t. of m. flexor carpi radialis
Medial palmar a.
Medial and lateral palmar nn.
What vessels emerge from the median a. trifurcation?
Radial a.
Medial palmar a. (main supply to equine manus)
Lateral palmar a.
What 3 ligaments bind down the flexor tendons as they pass over the fetlock and pastern?
- annular ligament of the fetlock
- prox. digital annular ligament
- distal digital annular ligament
Where is the intertubercular bursa?
Deep to bicipital tendon between greater and lesser tubercle
Where is the subcutaneous olecrannon bursa?
On the point of elbow (inconsistent)
Inflammation causes “capped elbow”
Where is the navicular bursa?
Between the DDF and navicular bone
What muscle transfers the weight of the trunk to the forelimbs?
m. serratus ventralis
What is the structure that passes from the internal tendon of the m. biceps brachii to the fascia of the m. extensor carpi radialis?
lacertus fibrosis
Active portions of the stay apparatus?
Slight tone in the mm. serratus ventralis and triceps brachii
What stabilizes the equine shoulder joint as part of the stay apparatus?
Internal tendon of m. biceps –> lacertus fibrosis
Slight tone in the m. triceps brachii
What are the muscles that join the tendons of the digital flexors?
interflexorius mm.
What is the vascular, horn-growing tissue of the hoof?
What do low grade, chronic irritations do to corium growth?
Overproduction of horn
What do acute, severe insults do to corium growth?
Hemorrhaging and cessation of horn growth
What signs can be used to identify subclinical laminitis in cattle?
Hemorrhage or yellow discoloration of the sole
Abnormal horn growth and sole ulcers
What is the waxy layer on the outside of the hoof?
What is founder?
A chronic condition of the hoof walls growing abnormally (flared wall and curled toe) due to laminitis