Third wave feminsim and activism Flashcards
DIY Feminism
Introduction to Punk music
Feminist music has poltiical/social/economic messages
Feminist graffiti
Form of resistance
Creating zines, cultural materials, music, etc., is necessary as a form of challenge and a legitimate way to rethink ‘culture’ and also femininity
Guerilla Girls
Uses comentary to demand that we should have the right to complain
A small cirulation publication of original or appropriated texts and images
Slut walks
Response to victim-blaming comments made by a Toronto police officer
Spontaneous, collective, grassroots activism
Raise awareness regarding myths of sexual assault
Girl power
Multiple meanings
In it’s safe form ‘girl power’ sexy, materilialistic, heteronormative
In pop culture, girl power figures tend to be white, middle-class and heterosexual
In its potential form, girl power positions young women as producers not consumers, diverse, and willing to challange power hierarchies
Co-opted versions of girl power
1990s throughly co-opted to mean a version of feminism that is approachable safe, cute and sexy
Dr.Lyn Mikel Brown