Think and Grow Rich -- Secrets of Success Flashcards
How can we accomplish our aims in life?
By being driven by a burning desire to succeed. Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times.
Why did Thomas Edison succeed after failing so many times (10,000)?
Driven by the desire to make his dream come true.,
Why did writer Fannie Husrt succeed after suffering through 36 rejections?
Burning desire to succeed was stronger than the feeling of frustration after getting rejected so many times.
What are your attitudes towards setting up goals and reaching dreams?
Is it a burning desire strong enough to make them come true one day?
What is the basis of every achievement?
Goal setting and detailed planning.
What do people that succeed have in common?
Knowing exactly what they want to achieve.
Should you define the goal you are chasing as precisely as you can?
What do you think?
Do you have a clear understanding of when you want to achieve your goal and what are you prepared to invest to accomplish it?
Do you?
How can you succeed?
Having an unwavering faith in yourself and making sure that you can – and will – achieve your goals
What is the basis of success?
Having self-confidence in yourself. Our own faith in ourselves has an enormous influence on our self-image and way of life. It can – in the truest sense of the word – help us move mountains.
Is unwavering success something that you are born with?
Anybody can develop it – bit by bit – through auto-suggestion.
What is auto-suggestion?
A way of influencing yourself by thinking very specific and purposeful thoughts or ideas. It consists of persuading yourself that you can in fact reach your goals. Your thoughts can be transformed into reality and you must go your own way with confidence.
Best way to use auto-suggestion?
The more you use it the more likely you are to achieve success. By impressing your desired and goals in your unconsciousness, it will steer all your thoughts and actions towards making them come true.
Knowledge is power – does it have to be what you learned in school?
Give me an example of someone who didn’t even have a high-school diploma but made an empire?
Henry Ford created an industrial empire.
How to be successful?
Don’t focus on learning too many facts; acquire the right experiences and knowledge, use your strengths, and fully exploit your potential.
Always expand your knowledge
By actively learning and never be complacent.
Do you need to know everything yourself?
No, know where to find the knowledge you need. Books, online, papers, people?