Things to learn before lab exam Flashcards
What does Erb’s palsy damage?
upper trunk, esp suprascapular and musc nerves
What are the symptoms of Erb’s palsy?
waiter’s tip - adduction, internal rotation GHJ, extension of arm
How can Erb’s palsy occur?
head and shoulder getting an increased angle between them, ie baby getting shoulder stuck while birthing
What does Klumpke’s palsy damage?
lower trunk, esp ulnar nerve
What are the symptoms of Klumpke’s palsy?
claw hand
Explain the symptoms of Klumpke’s palsy?
Claw hand: no ulnar dev or flex of DIP 4-5, opposition
What does Sat night palsy damage?
radial nerve compression on medial humerus
What occurs during Sat night palsy?
no extensor function – wrist drop
What is damaged during honeymoon palsy?
median nerve compression
What occurs during honeymoon palsy?
ape hand, benediction sign when making a fist
EXplain the symptoms of honeymoon palsy?
-PIP flex 1-3, DIP flex 2-3, thenar function
What is crutch palsy?
damage to axillary nerve
What is supplied by the axillary nerve?
delt and teres minor (ext rot GHJ)
Damage: ilioinguinal
punctuating rib wound
Damage: iliohypogastric
punctuating rib wound
Damage: genitofemoral
crushed through inguinal ligament
Damage: lat fem cut
compression at ASIS
Damage: femoral
femoral triangle
Damage: saphenous
adductor canal (sartorius, adductor longus, adductor magnus, VMO)
Damage: obturator
passing through obturator foramen
Damage: sciatic nerve
through piriformis
Damage: tibial
popliteal fossa
Damage: common fibular
break at fibular neck
Damage: sup glute
over piriformis
Damage: inf glute
under piriformis
Damage: suprascapular
suprascapular notch, spinoglenoid notch
Damage: lat and med pec
clavicle fracture with inf displacement
Damage: musc
cubital fossa
Damage: median
cubital fossa, carpal tunnel, impact to med arm, damage to ant compartment of forearm, distal end of radius
Damage: ulnar
med epicondyle humerus, falling onto pisiform, olecranon process
Damage: radial
radial groove, lat epicondyle, lat supracondylar ridge, radial head fracture