things clocked during workshop Flashcards
explain signal
a is coupled 1 thing
so u get one split
so u get a doublet
explain signal
a is coupled to 2 things
so u split twice
but theyre the same
so they have the same cc which means they will overlap and give a high intensity where they do so.
explain signal
A is coupled to 2 diff things
2 splits
diff things so diff cc so they dont overlap
doublet of doublets
explain signal
A is coupled to 3 diff things
one is the same,, 2 are the same
3 things but 2 diff coupling constants
3 splits
1/3 splits will overlap
doublet of triplets
same cc
they overlap and itensify the signal
different cc
they dont overlap and are separate
how to find the chemical shift
the middle of the peaks
use ppm
how to find the cc in hz
multipy the ppm difference by the strength of the nmr magnet
ppm x mhz will give the units in hz
if the signals arent symmetric what do we not find
we dont find the cc between them bc theyre not coupled together,, theyre 2 different signals
see the signal then what
draw the splitting tree
then figure out what split system it is by looking what things overlap etccc
room temp : averaged peaks,, due to what
ring flips: axial and equitoril swap
bond rotations
cold temp : more peaks
no morw averaging, ring flips and bond rotations slow down
finding coupling constants between multiplet peaks
- draw tree diagram briefly
- follow the tree diagram peaks and look at the corresponding actul multiplet peaks to find J vlues.
- look at the first split and follow it down both sides,, following the peaks that correspond to eachother and find the J value that way.
from the first split for J1
from the 2nd splits for J2 and for the last splits for J3 etc!!1
cyclohexane and finding whether we’re looking at a multiplet for a H that is axial or equitorial
1H : axial oor equiitorial.
multiplet has 15Hz J, 14.5 Hz J and a 4Hz, J.
u have 2 big J’s (2J and axial axial)
1 small J (axial equitorial)
big j values are due to
close proximity: bonds between the 2 things
being both axial // being 180 to eachother.