Theriogenology III (20-30) Flashcards
What are the 3 mechanical barriers to infection in the equine uterus?
Vestibulovaginal fold
Identify the anatomy of the mare.
During estrus, the mare has ____ immunological defenses and _____ mechanical defenses.
During diestrus, the mare has ____ immunological defenses and _____ mechanical defenses.
Describe the muco-ciliary clearance mechanism of the mare’s uterus.
Identify the mare reproductive anatomy.
The mare ovaries are generally found at ____ and ___ by the shaft of the ileum.
Identify the anatomy of the mare reproductive system.
Identify the pathology.
Identify the mare reproduction active and describe its clinical significance.
Identity what is happening to the mare’s ovaries in these images.
Identify the microanatomy of the mare’s ovary.
Identify the microanatomy of the mare’s ovary.
Identify the microanatomy of the mare’s ovary.
Identify the anatomy of the mare’s ovary.
There is a prominent____ and ____ released from an equine embryo. It takes about ___ for the embryo to reach the uterus. An ___ will NOT pass into the uterus.
Identify the mare reproductive anatomy.
Describe the normal external anatomy of the mare vulva.
Describe the abnormal or unfavorable external anatomy of the mare vulva.
How can we use the windsucker test to assess the perineal conformation in the mare?
What procedure is being performed in this picture?
What are the indications for a caslick’s vulvoplasty?
Identify the external anatomy of the female reproductive system.
The mare clitoris harbored a number of bacteria and is cultured as part of an import/export requirement. ____ is one of the diseases that affects the clitoral sinus. The causative bacteria is ____.
What are the behavioral signs of estrus in the mare?
What are behavioral signs of the mare when she is not in estrus?
Describe what you will find during your clinical assessment of the mare in estrus.
Describe what you will find during your clinical assessment of the mare in diestrus.
Describe what you will find during your clinical assessment of the mare in anestrus.
What is the mare doing in these images?
What will you find in your speculum exam of a mare’s vagina during estrus?
What will you find in your speculum exam of a mare’s vagina during diestrus?
What will you find in your speculum exam of a mare’s cervix during estrus?
What will you find in your speculum exam of a mare’s cervix during diestrus?
This is what you see in your cervix speculum exam of the mare. What stage of estrous is she in?
This is what you see in your cervix speculum exam of the mare. What stage of estrous is she in?
During your speculum exam of the mare’s cervix/vagina, you should also examine for _____.
Describe the characteristics of the mare estrous cycle.
The mare spends about ____ days in heat and ___ days out of heat. She will ovulated about ___ before the end of estrus.
Describe the pathophysiology of the estrous cycle in the mare.
Describe equine long daylight breeders.
Draw out the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (ovarian) axis in then mare.
Draw out the pathophysiology of the spring transition to cyclicity in the mare.
Identify what is happening in the mare’s estrous cycle.
How can we lengthen the breeding season in the mare?
How does the presence of the foal affect the mare’s ability to come back into heat?
List the desired effects of manipulation on the estrous cycle.
How do we use progesterone in the mare to manipulate the estrous cycle?
How do we use progesterone and estradiol in the mare to manipulate the estrous cycle?
How do we use deslorelin in the mare to manipulate the estrous cycle?
How do we use human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the mare to manipulate the estrous cycle?
Describe the risk of a double pregnancy in mares associated with the use of pro-ovulatory drugs.
How do we use oxytocin in the mare to manipulate the estrous cycle?
How do we use prostaglandin F2a in the mare to manipulate the estrous cycle?
What are the side effects of prostaglandin F2a in the mare?
What are the guidelines to when we can administer prostaglandin F2a in a mare to manipulate her estrous cycle?
What is an ecbolic?
What is a tocolytic?
How do we use prostaglandin F2a to manipulate uterine tone in the mare?
How do we use oxytocin to manipulate uterine tone in the mare?
How do we use terbutaline to manipulate uterine tone in the mare?
What is included in a regular mare breeding soundness examination?
List some indications for mare breeding soundness examinations.
What do we assess for when looking at vulvar conformation of the mare?
Identify the different pathologies of the mare vulva.
List the order of procedures when we assess vulvar conformation in the mare.
What diagnostic is this veterinarian performing? Identify the subsequent pathology.
What are the indications for a uterine cytology in the mare?
What are the indictions for a uterine biopsy in the mare?
Describe uterine biopsy grades I-III in the mare.
What are the different hormones we should assess during a soundness breeding exam of the mare? What information does it reveal?
What is a non-cyclic mare? What is our first step in dealing with one?
What are retained endometrial cups? How do we diagnose and treat it?
What is prolonged diestrus/pseudopregnancy in the mare? What are some causes?
What is gonadal dysgenesis? What are the signs?
What are male pseudohermaphrodites?
What are female pseudohermaphrodites?
What is a “transitional” mare?
Describe winter anestrus in the mare.
Describe the prevalence of granulosa theca cell tumors in the mare. What are the clinical signs, hormone levels and treatment?
Describe behavioral anestrus in the mare. What are some common causes and what is the treatment?
Describe an anovulatory follicle or hemorrhagic anovulator follicle as a cause for ovarian shutdown in the mare.
Describe reproductive senescence as a cause for ovarian shutdown in the mare.
Describe nutrition as a cause for ovarian shutdown in the mare.
Describe anterior pituitary dysfunction as a cause for ovarian shutdown in the mare.
List some causes of a non-cyclic mare that subsequently lead to infertility.
List some reasons for failure to conceive that subsequently lead to infertility.
List some reasons for embryo loss in the mare.
What is endometritis? What are some causes?
How do we diagnose endometritis in the mare?
Describe post-mating induced endometritis in the mare.
Describe a semen reaction as a cause of endometritis in the mare.
What is the treatment for endometritis in the mare?
What is metritis? What are some clinical signs we may see in the mare?
What is the treatment for metritis in the mare?
What is the etiology of a pyometra in the mare?
What are the clinical signs of a pyometra in the mare?
Describe the pathophysiology and prognosis for a pyometra in the mare.
What are the different uterine defense mechanisms in the mare?
Describe immunologic clearance as a uterine defense mechanism in the mare.
Describe mechanical clearance as a uterine defense mechanism in the mare.
Describe the normal uterine defense mechanism in a healthy mare.
Describe the abnormal uterine defense mechanism in a susceptible mare.
Describe luteal deficiencies in the mare. How do we treat it?
Name the different progesterone products that we use in the horse.
Define early embryonic death as it relates to equine reproduction.
Define abortion as it relates to equine reproduction.
Define immature foals as it relates to equine reproduction.
Define dysmature foals as it relates to equine reproduction.
Define postmature foals as it relates to equine reproduction.
What are the roles of secondary or supplemental CLs in maintain pregnancies in the mare?
What is the role of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) or pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) in maintaining a pregnancy in the mare?
What is the role of progestagens in maintaining pregnancy in the mare?
What is the role of estrogens in maintaining pregnancy in the mare?
What is the role of progesterones in maintaining pregnancy in the mare?
What is the normal length of gestation in the mare?
Ranges from 320-280+, averages 340
What will an equine pregnancy feel like at 25-30 days?
What will an equine pregnancy feel like at 35-40 days?
What will an equine pregnancy feel like at 45-50 days?
In the mare, the fetus is palpable by _____. From days _____ the fetus is over the pelvis and difficult to reach. The fetus moves dorsally by day ____.
Differentiate between the specular reflections in the mare.
What happens during day 5-6 of gestation in the mare?
What happens during day 17 of gestation in the mare?
What happens during day 25 of gestation in the mare?
What happens during day 35-40 of gestation in the mare?
What happens during day 90-100 of gestation in the mare?
What happens during day 100-120 of gestation in the mare?
Identify which day of pregnancy this mare is in.
Identify which day of pregnancy this mare is in.
Identify which day of pregnancy this mare is in.
Identify which day of pregnancy this mare is in.
Identify which day of pregnancy this mare is in.