Therapy /Treatment/Techniques Flashcards
What is task-centered treatment
6-12 weeks
focus on problems and behaviors
5 Stages:
Develop problem solving tasks,
Classical Conditioning Behavioral Therapy
undo maladaptive responses
condition client to associate pleasant feelings with anxiety previous anxiety producing
Systematic Desensitization
Counter-conditioning intervention
treats phobias by imagination/visualization of anxiety stimulus with relaxation techniques to calm response.
In Vivo Desensitization
pairing relaxation and real-life experiences with an anxiety producing stimulus until the person no longer responds to the experience with anxiety
Sensate Focus
In sex therapy to treat performance anxiety
Operant Conditioning in Behavioral Therapy
Reinforcing behavior so it will be repeated and withholding reinforcement so a behavior will not be repeated
Primary Reinforcer
refers to a stimuli required to sustain life (water, food, sleep)
Secondary Reinforcer
refers to a stimuli that an individual learns to value
Premack Principal
using a high probability behavior to reinforce a low probability behavior in order to increase the frequency of the low probability behavior
motivate with a high desirable behavior to strengthen a less desirable behavior.
You can watch TV after you brush your teeth
reinforcing behaviors as they get closer and closer to the desired behavior
Continuous reinforcement
every occurrence of target behavior
Intermittent reinforcement
reinforcement of only some occurrences of the target behavior—good for maintaining behavior
Fixed Interval Reinforcement
Reinforcement after a specific TIME
Variable Interval Reiforcement
reinforcement occurring at varying TIMES
Fixed Ratio Reinforcement
reinforcement that is given after a specified NUMBER of responses
Variable Ratio Reinforcement
reinforcement given on an unpredictable or varied basis (gambling & lottery)
Punishment reinforcement
following a behavior with an aversive stimulus
Extinction reinforcement
failing to reinforce the target behavior
Response cost
Withdrawing a positive reinforcer each time an undesirable behavior is preformed
Getting a ticket for speeding, tokens taken away in the classroom for bad behavior
William Glasser developed which Therapy?
Reality Therapy
Reality Personality Theory believes which 4 innate psychological needs drive the brain and behavior?
belonging, power, freedom, fun
Which therapy rejects the medical model and concept of mental illness, and focuses on current behaviors in terms of need satisfaction.
Reality Therapy
What are three types of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies?
Cognitive Therapy
Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT)
What therapy did Aaron Beck developed?
CBT–Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
What therapy did Albert Ellis develop?
Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT)
What cognitive therapy did Donald Meichenbaum develop?
According to Cognitive Therapy depression/mental illness is based on what?
pervasive negative thoughts.
Who identified the common thinking errors?
Aaron Beck (CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
Collaborative Empiricism
a cognitive therapy technique where social worker and client work together AS PEERS/PARTNERS to explore the validity of client’s belief.
Socratic Dialogue
a cognitive therapy technique where a social work asks probing questions to highlight dysfunctional thoughts and heighten client’s self-awareness.