Therapies in Clinical Practice Flashcards
Humans are motivated by basic needs
Key concept - self actualization - maximum personal potention
Person centered
Key concepts - genuineness, unconditional positive regard, empathetic listening
Hildegard Peplau
Nurse-client relationship is central framework for implementing therapeutic interventions
Behavioral approach (3)
Pavlov - Classical conditioning, stimulus cause reponse
Watson - Behaviorism
Skinner - Operant Conditioning : lottery/slot machines, stimulus - response - reinforcer, shaping behvaior
Cognitive Behavioral (7)
Beck: distorted thinking causes psychologic disturbance in mood and behavior, goal is to help patients identify thoughts and connection to feelings
Overgeneralization - failed first test, fail them all
Mental Filtering - only see bad in world
Catastrophizing - make mouth of a mole hill
Minimization or magnification
Dichotomizing - all good or all bad, no in between
Arbitrary inference - lucky sweater
Personalization - everything that happens is bc of you
Dialect Behavioral Therapy
Developed by Linehan for ppl with BPD
Emotional dysregulation
Invalidating environment
Pts learn skills in mindfullness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance
Psychoanalytic/psychodynamic theory
Freud / Jung
Gives deep understanding of how early childhood relationships and experiences influence the pts symptoms and interpersonal difficulties
Therapeutic milieu
Environment created to promote, maintain, or restore optimal psychologic health
Maxwell Jones
Nightingale - organizing env allows body to heal
Gives structure, involvement, containment, support, validation
Types of Group Therapy
Task - oriented: focus on a goal (committees)
Process - oriented: focus on relationships (group therapy)
Mid - range: combination (AA, nurse lead ed group, smoking cessation)
Members of Group Therapy
Get information about how they present to others
Asses whether fixed patterns are realistic to continue
Discover previously unknown parts of self
Try new behaviors within safety of group
Accept responsibility for the way they live
Safety and Trust in group
NURSE Shows personal acceptance and value members, respect, empathy Reinforces strengths Encourages higher level behavior Discourages self-defeating behavior Acknowledges contributions of members Intervenes in verbal attacks
Phases of Group Development
Orientation - evaluation of trust worthiness, norms
Conflict - competition for authority
Cohesion - trust and self disclosure begin
Working - camaraderie; tasks worked
Termination - group disbands
Goals of family therapy
Relieve pain, promote learning
Foster greater self-worth in members
Promote clear, direct, honest communication
Create flexible, humane, need-responsive rules
Link with society in open, hopeful ways
Family systems theory (Attachment, Emotional triangles, boundaries)
- nonesistent=emeshment
-rigid = isolation
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
Treatment for pharmacotherapy-resistent clients with major depressive disorder
Informed constent
Pretreatment routine similar to preop routine
Posttreatment routine similar to recovery room
SX: headache, temporary loss of recent memory