Personality Disorders Flashcards
What are the cluster A d/o
(APSS) Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal - Odd or eccentric
What is Paranoid PD
(Cluster A) Distrust, suspicion, short temper, argumentative, jealous, unable to forgive or adjust to change. Lack of tender feelings for others
What is Schizoid PD
(Cluster A) Brief psychotic episodes in response to stress, loner, passive, detached, self absorbed, lack of strong emotions, lack of trust, difficulty expressing anger
What is Schizotypal PD
(Cluster A) Magical thinking, incorrect interpretation of external events and belief that all events refer to self, constricted/inappropriate affect, social anxiety (poor/moderate functioning)
What are the cluster B d/o
(NAHB) Narcissistic, Antisocial, Histrionic, Borderline - Dramatic, emotional, erratic
What is Antisocial PD
(Cluster B) charming at first, lack of conscience, empathy or responsibility, manipulative, involved in criminal acts or substance abuse
What is Borderline PD
(Cluster B) Anger, suicidal thoughts, self mutilation, cutting intense stormy relationships, impulsive acts, people as all good or all bad, feel abandoned, difficulty identifying self
Intervention for Borderline PD
Dialect behavioral therapy - dialogue to rework destructive ways to deal with crisis, teaches there are choices to decrease suicidal thoughts, learn new patterns of thinking and behaving
What is Narcissistic PD
(Cluster B) Grandiose view of self, lack of empthty for others, needs admiration, preoccupation with fantasies of success, brilliance, beauty, perfect love, conceded
What is Histrionic PD
(Cluster B) Fluctuations of emotions, suicidal threats when feeling abandoned, attention seeker, sexual seduction, flamboyance, somatization, dramatic speech, attentive to physical appearance, shallow, DRAMA QUEEN
What are cluster C d/o
(ADOC) Avoidant, Dependent, Obsessive Compulsive
What is Avoidant PD
(Cluster C) Fears criticism, disapproval or rejection, avoid social interactions, hold in thoughts and feelings, low self-esteem - intermediate functioning
What is Dependent PD
(Cluster C) Submissive, clingy, can’t make decisions on own, cant follow through on tasks, cant express negative feelings
What is Obsessive Compulsive PD
(Cluster C) Preoccupied with structure/organization/perfection/control, workaholics, cant relax, self critical, rule conscious, insistence that others go with their methods, cant get rid of things, cant delegate, procrastination, wont spend money
Freud’s perspective of PD
Comes from unresolved conflicts
1) Oral- probs trusting others, self centered, dependent, jealous (Paranoid,borderline, histrionic)
2) Anal- probs making decisions, cannot share, full of rage (antisocial,borderline, histrionic dependent)
3) Phallic- probs with superego, guilt (antisocial/borderline, histrionic, narcissistic)
4) Latency- probs with too little (borderline) or too much (OCD) control
5) Genital- probs with sense of self (various PD)