Therapeutic Communication Techniques Flashcards
Indicating reception; nurse has heard and followed the train of thought
Allowing the client to take the initiative in introducing the topic
Broad Opening
Searching for mutual understanding in the meaning of the words
Consensual Validation
Asking similarities and differences be noted
Encouraging Comparison
Asking client to verbalize what he or she perceives; encourage the client to fully describe ideas
Encouraging Description of Perceptions
Asking the client to appraise the quality of his or her experiences; nurse ask client to consider people and events in light or her own values - encourages the client to make his or her own appraisal rather than to accept the opinion of others
Encouraging expression
Delving further into a subject or an idea
Concentrating on a single point
Asking the client to consider kinds of behavior likely to be appropriate in future situations
Formulating a Plan of Action
Giving encouragement to continue
General Leads
Making the facts available to the client; increases the patient’s knowledge about a topic and lets the client know what to expect
Giving Information
Acknowledging, indicating awareness - noting efforts the client has made
Giving Recognition
Verbalizing what the nurse perceives
Making Observations
Making oneself available
Offering Self
Clarifying the relationship of events in time - client may gain insight into cause-and-effect behavior and consequences
Placing event in time or sequence
Offering for consideration that which is real
Presenting Reality
Directing client actions, thoughts, and feelings back to client - encourages the client to recognize and accept his or her own feelings
Nurse is seeking to make clear that which is not meaningful or that which is vague
Seeking Information
Repeating the main idea expressed
Absence of verbal communication, provides time for client to put thoughts or feelings into words, to regain composure, or to continue talking
Offering to share, to strive, and to work with the client
Suggesting Collaboration
Organizing and summing up that which has gone before - seeks to increase awareness and understanding of both participants
Seeking to verbalize client’s feelings that he or she expresses only indirectly
Translating into feelings
Voicing what the client has hinted at or suggested; putting into words what the client has implied or said
Verbalizing the implied
Expressing uncertainty about the reality of the client’s perceptions; another means of responding to distortions of reality
Voicing doubt