Therapeutic Communication Flashcards
Gives the person time to collect thoughts or think through a point.
Example: Encourage a person to talk by waiting for the answers.
Using Silence
Indicates that a person has been understood. The statement does not necessarily indicate agreement but is nonjudgmental. However, nurses should not imply that they understood when they do not understand.
Examples: “Yes”,
“I follow what you say”
Indicates awareness of change and personal efforts. Does not imply good or bad, or right or wrong.
Examples: “Good morning, Mr. James”,
“You’ve combed your hair today”,
“ I notice that you shaved today”
Giving Recognition
Offers presence, interest, and a desire to understand. It is not offered to get a person to talk or behave in a specific way.
Examples: “I would like to spend time with you”
“I’ll stay here and sit with you a while”
Offering Self
Allows the other person to take direction in the discussion, Indicates that the nurse is interested in what comes next.
Examples: “Go on”,
“And then?”
“Tell me about it”
Offering General Leads
Clarifies that the lead is to be taken by the patient. However, the nurse discourages pleasantries and small talk.
Examples: “Where would you like to begin?”,
“What are you thinking about?”,
“What would you like to discuss?”
Giving Broad Openings
Puts events and actions in better perspective. Notes cause-and-effect relationships and identifies patterns of interpersonal difficulties.
Examples: “What happened before?”,
“When did this happen?”
Placing the events in time or sequence
Calls attention to the person’s behavior (e.g. trembling, nail-biting, restless mannerisms). Encourages the person to notice the behavior to describe thoughts and feelings for mutual understanding. Helpful with mute and withdrawn people.
Example: “You appear nervous whenever John enters the room”
Making Observations
Increases the nurse’s understanding of the patient’s perceptions. Talking about feelings and difficulties can lessen the need to act them out inappropriately.
Examples: “What do these voices seem to be saying?”
“What is happening now?”
“Tell me when you feel anxious”
Encouraging Description of Perception
Reveals recurring themes in experiences or interpersonal relationships. Helps the person clarify similarities and differences.
Examples: “Has this ever happened before?”
“Is this how you felt when…?”
“Was it something like…?”
Encouraging Comparison
Repeats the main idea expressed. Gives the patient an idea of what has been communicated. If the message has been misunderstood, the patient can clarify it.
Examples: Patient: “I can’t sleep. I stay awake all night.”
Nurse: “You have difficulty sleeping?”
Patient: “I don’t know…he always has some excuse for not coming over or keeping appointments.”
Nurse: “You think he no longer wants to see you?”
Directs questions, feelings, and ideas back to the patient. Encourages the patient to accept his or her own ideas and feelings. Acknowledges the patient’s right to have opinions and make decisions and encourages the patient to think of self as a capable person.
Examples: Patient: “What should I do about my husband’s affair?”
Nurse: “What do you think you should do?”
Patient: “My brother spends all of my money and then has the nerve to ask me for more.”
Nurse: “You feel angry when this happens?”
Concentrates attention on a single point. It is especially useful when the patient jumps from topic to topic. If a person is experiencing a severe or panic level of anxiety, the nurse should not persist until the anxiety lessens.
Examples: “This point you are making about leaving school seems worth looking at more closely”
“You’ve mentioned many things. Let’s go back to your thinking of ‘ending it all’.”
Examines certain ideas, experiences, or relationships more fully. If the patient chooses not to elaborate by answering no, the nurse does not probe or pry, In such a case, the nurse respects the patient’s wishes.
Examples: “Tell me more about that.”
“Would you describe it more fully?”
“Could you talk about how it was that you learned your mom was dying of cancer?”
Makes available facts the person needs. Supplies knowledge from which decisions can be made or conclusions drawn. For example, the patient needs to know the role of the nurse; the purpose of the nurse-patient relationship; and the time, place, and duration of the meetings.
Examples: “My purpose for being here is…”
“This medication is for…”
“The test will determine…”
Giving Information