Theory Flashcards
What did Ragin (1987) argue that the best approach to Comp Soc was?
Qualitative approach is as its higher in validity
What are the 4 waves of comparative sociological thought?
1st wave: classical - weber, Durkheim, marx
2nd wave: critique of structural functionalism/power
3rd wave: cultural turn, multiple modernities
4th wave: post-colonial soc
What 3 points did Goldthorpe (1994) argue for?
1) idiographic distinction (specific trends) + (scientific)
2) comp soc based on 2nd hand research
3) lack of rules leads to pick&mix in history
Whats Adams (2005) argument?
3rd wave (turn/multiple modernities) involves:
1) rational actor choice
2) feminist challenges
3) institutionalism
What were Eisenstadt’s (1973) 2 points in modernisation theory?
1) process of change where LEDC’s developed characteristics common to MEDC’s
2) achievement of modernity while maintaining social cohesion and equilibrium
What are the 5 points (including example from 1st year) of Mahoney (2000)?
1) past influences future
2) path dependency is a vague concept
3) self-reinforcing sequences exist
4) reactive chains can alter paths
5) mercantilist Spain and liberal British colonial comparison (free market)
What did Ragin (1987) argue that the best approach to Comp Soc was?
Qualitative approach as is higher in validity
What are the 4 waves of comparative sociological thought?
1st wave: classical soc (Weber, Marx, Durkheim)
2nd wave: Critique of structural functionalism/power
3rd wave: cultural turn, multiple modernities
4th wave: post-colonial soc
What 3 points did Goldthorpe (1994) argue for?
1) Idiographic (specific trends/nomothetic (scientific) distinction
2) Comp soc based on 2nd hand research
3) Lack of rules leads to: ‘pick & mix’ in history
Which 2 theories suggested that there are interconnected histories?
Go (2013)
Bhambra (2014)