Development Flashcards
What was the 1980’s for critical development?
What happened?
Lost decade
- Increase in NGO’s
- Reduction of barriers
What millennium development goals
1) stop poverty
2) universal primary education
3) Combat aids
4) reduce child inequality
What did Sen (2001) argue?
- Development – expansion of freedom is means and end.-Functionings – thing a person might value doing/being
- Capability/freedom – freedom to achieve various lifestyles
- Expansion of Human capabilities
What did Escobar (2001) say about developmental discourse?
-Development as historically produced discourse – countries are seen and see themselves as underdeveloped – interventions
-Power and action are linked
-Fluidity and heterogeneity of development discourses
Name some criticisms of race/racism in developmental discourse
Challenging Eurocentrism
- Continuities between colonial histories of development and contemporary representations of the 3rd world
- Racialised constructions of ‘expatriate’
What is the alternative development?
Involves the issues of:
1) environmental concerns: threat to biodiversity, resource based conflicts
2) feminist concerns: Women’s marginalisation, women in development, development of gender
Significant event’s from 1946-1970’s?
- Post-colonial
- Bretton Woods
- Disempowered Southern governments
What is the dependency theory from Frank (1969)?
1) Underdevelopment result of colonialism
2) Periphery is integrated into world capitalist system through slavery
3) historical process that generated western development and poverty in LEDC’s
What did Veracini (2013) say about settler colonialism?
1) Unrelated to colonialism
2) Hypercolonialism
3) subordinates local communities (boer control)
What did Mahoney (2000) say about Spain/England comparison?
- colonised less developed areas
- less extensive colonialism
- colonised more developed areas
- more extensive colonialism
What does Robinson (2001) argue about path dependency?
1) There are institutional differences between countries colonised by Europeans
2) institutions influence states and thus policies
what’s Adams (2005) argument?
3rd wave (turn/multiple modernities) comp soc involves:
1) rational actor choice
2) feminist challenges
3) institutionalism
What were Rostow’s (1960) stages of development?
Stages of Economic Growth:
1) Traditional society
2) Preconditions for take-off
3) Take-off
4) Drive to maturity
5) Age of high consumption
What did escobar (1995) argue about dependency theory?
1) Development is a discourse and is historically produced by MEDC’s
2) fluidity and heterogeneity of development discourse
What does GDP, GINI, HDI all mean?
GDP - economic growth (gross domestic product)
GINI (degree of inequality)
HDI - human development index
What does GINI, GDP, HDI result in?
Life expectancy, educational opportunities
What were Eisenstadt’s (1973) 2 points in modernisation theory?
1) process of change where LEDC’s developed characteristics common to MEDC’s
2) achievement of modernity while maintaining social cohesion and equilibrium
What is a classical measure of development?
What new indicators of modernisation can we use?
Life expectancy
Gender equality
What did Mahoney’s (2006) study on path-dependency suggest?
Also dependent on 2 things:
What model did he use?
Pre-colonial and post-colonial development are dependent in the chain of the level of dependency
Mercantilism: trade tariffs
Liberal model: free market