Theorists Flashcards
Learned Helplessness
internal, stable, global
Abramson, Matalsky and Ally
added role of hopelessness to learned helplessness
Behavioral theory of depression
- low rate of response contingent reinforcement
- increase activity levels as tx
-structural family therapy
-focus on boundary problems: rigid or diffuse
-detouring, stable coalition, triangulation
triangulation -therapist creates stress to unbalance the family
-joining: used to join family
- extended family systems therapy
- triangles created to reduce tension
- therapist begins with two members
- therapist enters triangles and tries to reduce tension
- goal is to increase diffrentiation
- genograms
Kluver-Bucy Syndrome
ablation of anterior temporal lobes in monkeys led to hypersexuality, placidity, oral tendencies, psychic blindness
latent learning: rats wandered the maze but showed now proficiency until a reward was provided
stages of moral development: Preconventional, Conventional (Stage 4: existing rules and laws), Postconventional (stage 5: social contracts and democratically chosen laws, stage 6: reasoning based on universal ethical principals)
stages of gender development: identity, stability, constancy
systemic family therapy
- Milan group
- uses circular questioning to help family members recognize differences in their perspectives
anterior occipital lobe
mediates peripheral vision
-restitution and positive practice
Hans Selye
General Adaptation Syndrom: (GAS), body’s reaction to sustained stress: alarm, resistance, exhaustion
- linked to visual imagery
- role in explicit memory, along with prefrontal cortex and temporal lobes
- consolidation of long term memory
- “reciprocal determinism”: behavior, personal factors, environment
- boys and girls imitate aggressive models even without reinforcement
homosexual identity development: feeling different, confusion, assumption, integration
White Racial Identity Model: autonomy status “complexity and flexibility”