Theories, Tools And Techniques Flashcards
What are the two systems of forming thoughts
1) thinking fast- emotions, experience and bias
2) thinking slow- uses brain power, comms that move system 1 are more effective
What are the cognitive Biases?
1) loss aversion
2) power of now
3) power of free
4) scarcity Value
5) goal dilution
6) chunking
7) price perception
8) choice architecture
9) reciprocity
10) social proofing
11) authority
12) liking
What are the nine laws of marketing to help brands grow?
1) double jeopardy- users are less loyal of brands with less market share
2) retention double jeopardy-buyers lost is proportionate to market share
3) Pareto Law- 80/20- more than 80% of brands sales come from the top 20% of their consumers
4) buyer moderation law- heavy buyers by less often
5) user based seldom vary - rival brands have the same customer bases
6) law of prototypically- image attributes score higher than other attributes
7) duplication of purchase law- brands customer base overlaps with rival brands
8) NBD Diricrt
A mathematical model of how buyers vary in their purchase propensities
What are the 6s of how advertising can work
- salesmanship
- seduction
- salience
- social connection
- spin
- showmanship
What is Salesmanship
(John E Kennedy)
- direct response
- conscious attention
- factual persuasion
What is seduction
(Walter Dillscott)
- unconscious
- non-verbal
- emotional associations
What is salience
(Byron Sharp)
-advs is no more than mere publicity to create mental availability through meaningless distinctions
What is social connection
- comms as more than an exchange of content- but the way people construct and maintain relationships
- the most important way in doing his is through the non-rational and mom-verbal aspects of comms
What is Spin?
- practise of PR
- not advocating or arguing but recreating realities
What is showmanship?
- Humbug- putting on glittering appearances by which to arrest attention and attract the public eye
What are the 5 questions of the planning cycle?
1) where are we
2) why are we there?
3) where could we be?
4) how could we get there?
5) are we getting there?
What principles do you need to keep in mind when working with data?
1) ignore natural biases
2) find inconsistencies as insights lie in these gaps
3) find the data that proves the opposite of your POV
4) bigger picture reasons for your data
5) averages suppress the outliers
6) telling a story brings credibility to the data
What are the 6 fundamental human motivations
1) security
2) enjoyment
3) excitement
4) adventure
5) autonomy
6) discipline
What are the qualities of a good brief?
1) vision
2) objectives
3) proposition
4) audience
5) challenge
6) logistics
What are the 12 core brand archetypes
Innocence Explorer Sage Hero Outlaw Magician Everyman Lover Jester Caregiver Creator Ruler