Theories of romantic relationships: Virtual relationships in social media Flashcards
How does self disclosure operate in virtual relationships:
Reduced cues theory
Sproull & Kiesler
Sproull & kiesler argues CMC are less effective than FTF relationships because lack many cues we depend on in FTF interactions
include non verbal cues such as physical appearance & lack cues to our emotional state like facial expressions
Leads to de-individuation as reduces people sense of individual identity in turn encourages disinhibition in relating to others
thus VR likely to involve blunt & aggressive communication
the result of this is that ppl are more reluctant to self disclose or initiate relationship with somone that is impersonal or reveal feelings to them
Computer mediated communication
Disinhibition- inability to withhold an inappropriate or unwanted behavior.-p feels free to express themslves in ways they would not use in FTF
How does self disclosure operate in VR
hyperpersonal model-self disclosure
Walther argues that online relationships can be more personal & involve greater self disclosure than FTF ones,
* because CMC relationships can develop very quickly as self disclosure happens earlier & once established they are more intense & intimate
Outline key feature in self disclosure-hyperpersonal model
- HPM states -self disclosure in VR -gives ppl opportunity to manipulate online image of themselves than in FTF-selective self presentation
ppl online have more control over what to disclose
* - CMC promotes self disclosure & makes relationship hyperpersonal due to anonymitiy -when you are aware that other ppl dont know your identity we feel less accountable for behaviour thus disclose more ( strangers on train phenomenom
Absense of gating in VR- McKenna & Bargh
A gate is a obstacle to relationship developing
FTF is said to be gated as involves features that can intefere with early development of relationship e.g of gates-physical unattractiveness, social anxiety , shyness
ADV of CMC is absense of gating
* as ppl may choose to hide appearance behind cartoon images -so relationship can develop to point where self disclosure becomes deeper
* absence of gating provides opportunity for ppl who previously isolated themsleves from relationships due to fear,anxiety to connect to others
absense of gating encourages self disclosure due to anonymity of VR
VR-lifeline for ppl
VRS may provide a lifeline for ppl who previously marginalised
Baker & Oswald found absense of gating enables ppl with crippling shyness to open up & engage in fulfilling relationships with others-real world value
self-disclosure & absence of gating in VR lack ecological valdity
theories of self-disclosure & absence of gating in VR may lack ecological validity
because they cannot explain all course of modern-age relationships, which is
often a mixture of virtual & face-to-face elements, suggested by Walther (2011).
Individuals often feel pressure to portray themselves in same way they have online as in real-life,
so this interaction may offset the effects of fewer gates & self-disclosure in VR
Lack of research support for reduced cues theory-cues are present
Reduced cues theory wrong to suggest non verbal cues are missing from CMC-they are diff rather than absent
Walther & Tidwell- ppl in online interactions use other cues like style & timing of message
& emojis also used as expresisve substitutes for facial expressions
thus difficult for reduced cues theory to explain success of onlime communications because shows CMC interactions can be just as personal as those in FTF & thus its possibe to express emotional states in VR
VR-not universal
Theories surrounding VRs take a universal view as they assume that ppl are connected online & have access to internet-this is not true for everyone across world means they lack cultural relativism