Factors affecting attraction: self disclosure Flashcards
Outline self-disclosure
Self-disclosure is the act of revealing personal info about self to another person.
Romantic partners reveal more about their true selves as their relationship develops. i.e what you like & dislike, interests
These self-disclosures about ones deepest thoughts & feelings strengthens a romantic bond
Outline social penetration theory
Altman & Taylor
Altman & Taylor (1973) Social Penetration Theory (SPT) describes the process of self-disclosure, beginning with shallow levels of disclosure & gradually progressing deeper as person reveals more private info, hopes, desires, secrets to other person.
- In romantic relationships , it involves reciprocal exchange of info between intimate partners
when one partner reveals personal info they signal that they trust them & vise versa . As they disclose more info, romantic partners ‘penetrate’ more deeply into each others lives & gain understanding of each other.
Outline Breadth & depth
Altman & Taylor
According to Altman & taylor, self disclosure has 2 elements:
Breadth & depth
As both these increase, romantic partners become more commited to each other
we disclose more at start of relationship, but we reveal superfical info on the surface level-revealing low risk info
Breadth of disclosure is narrow, as topics are off limits in early stage of relationship
as revaling to much to soon can threaten a relationship, TMI
* depth-As relationship develops self-disclosure becomes deeper , progessively revealing more layers to revea true self
eventually revealing intimate, high risk info, experinces , self beliefs
Altman & Taylor use term depentration to describe how dissatisifed partners self-disclose less as they disenage from relationship
Outline social comparison theory SCT
(SCT) Festinger (1954) describes ways in which a p will assess their own worth & value by comparing themselves to others
Upward comparison occurs when someone feels partner are superior to them e.g. better-looking
Downward comparison occurs when someone feels partner are inferior to them e.g. less interesting; not as well-dressed; less athletic
Someone may disclose personal info about themselves to a potential partner to gauge their reaction e.g. Are they impressed?’
Someone may make disclosures about their achievements which could lead to self-validation if the person being disclosed to responds with praise & admiration
Link to issues & debates
Self-disclosure could be said to fall under the free will side of the determinism/free will debate as it is up to the individual as to what they choose to disclose and how much they disclose and to whom.
Research support for SPT -Sprecher & Hendrick-correlation between satisifcation & self disclosure
Sprecher & Hendrick studied heterosexual couples & found strong correlations between measures of satisifcation & self disclosure for both partners.
Men & women who used self disclosure were more satisfied with & commited to their relationship.
In a later study , Sprecher et al showed that relationships are closer & more satisfying when partners take turns to self-disclose ( disclosure is reciprocated)
These supportive research findings increase validity of theory that reciprocated self disclosure leads to more satisified relationships
Counterpoint to Sprecher & Hendricks study-correlation
Self-disclosure research is correlational, like Sprecher & Hendricks study.
* It is assumed that greater self disclosure creates more satisfaction ( casual link)
But a correlation is not valid conclusion
* It may be that more satisified partners self disclose more
* or self disclosure & satisification are indepenedent of eachother & caused by a 3rd variable i.g the amount of time partners spend together.
Therefore self disclosure may not cause satisfication directly , reducing validity of SPT of self disclosure
Cultural differences-tang et al-sexual self disclosure
it is not true for all cultures that increasing depth & breadth of self-disclosure leads to a more satisifying romantic relationship
Tang et al. (2013) -reviewed research into sexual self-disclosure ( disclosures related to feelings about specific sexual practices).
* Concluded men & women in USA ( Individualistic culture) self disclosed more sexual thoughts & feelings
* than men & women in China (collectivist culture)
thus there is limited explanation of romantic relationships because is based on findings from individualistic cultures that are not generalisable to other cultures.