Theories of romantic relationships:Ducks phase model Flashcards
Outline Ducks phase model
Duck proposed a phase model of relationship breakdown ,
Duck argued that the ending of a relationship is not a one off event , but a process that takes time & goes through 4 distinct stages
Each phase is marked by one or both partners reaching a thereshold - a point at which their perception of the relationship changes ( for worse)
Outline Phase 1. Intra-psychic phase
1st stage of relationship breakdown
The focus is on cognitive processes happening within the person
Dissatisifed partner considers the reasons for their dissatisfaction
They think over matters privately
They weigh the ADV & DISADV of relationship & evaluate these against alternative
Outline phase 2. Dyadic phase
The focus is on the interpersonal processes between 2 partners
Couple reaches point where can no longer avoid not talking about their relationship
series of confrontations take place where their relationship is discussed -characterised by anxiety, hostility
2 outcomes:
Determination to break up
renewed desire to repair relationship
Outline phase 3. Social phase
The focus in on the wider processes involving the couples social networks.
The break up is made public
partners will seek support from friends & try to forge packs
Mutual friends find out they are expected to choose sides
Some friends will provide support & resassurance
others will be judgemental & place the blame on the partner
Grave-dressing phase
The focus is on the after math both partners will try spin a favourable story for public consumption of the break up
Allows partners to maintain face & maintain positive reputation
both sides construct their version of why relationship ended, usually minimisin their faults & maximising partners
Cultural bias-Moghaddam-break up based on individualistic cultures
The model is based on experiences of relationship in individualist cultures in USA
According to Moghaddam et al, relationship in individualist cultures are generally voluntary & frequent come to an end
Relationships in collectivist cultures are more likely to be obligatory, less easy to end, involve the wider family & in some cases even arranged with little involvement of partner.
The whole conception of romantic relationship differs between cultures
Methodological issues-retrospective
Most research relating to Ducks model is retrospective
p generally give their experiences of the breakdown process some time after the relationship has ended.
This mean that what they can recall might not always be accurate or reliable
Its the very early stages of breakdown that tend to be distorted or perhaps even ignored
thus Ducks model is based on research that ignores early stages part of the process so incomplete description of how they end
5th model of relationship breakdown-Rollie & Duck-modle oversimplified
ThE MODEL IS OVERSIMPLIFIED as may be fifth stage of mode- Rollie & Duck (2006),
called the resurrection phase- where p learn from experiences of their previous relationships
, also suggest that relationship breakdown model should be a dynamic
progression as opposed to a set sequence of stages through which all people pass through.
The social dynamics within each stage can also affect the chances of ex-partners reuniting, such as the spreading of rumours during the dyadic or social phases.
This means that Duck’s model may be oversimplified and has little ecological validity because it cannot represent progression of real-life relationships
Ducks phase model -face valdiity
The model has face valdiity as it reflects the experiences of many ppl who have gone through break up & model can be applied in couple counselling as it could be used to identify key triggers for conflict, suggesting strategies to salvage relationship or ways in which to end it in way does not harm each partner