Theories of Personality and Psychopathology Flashcards
is a theory
of the personality, a
method of investigation,
and a scientific discipline.
Founder of Classic
Sigmund Freud
Freud stipulated that for a technique to be psychoanalytic, it has to involve the principles of _________ and ________.
Transference and resistance
Is the patient’s displacement onto the
analyst of early wishes and feelings toward
other people
Freud originally identified ________ when
he asked his patients to use the technique
of free association.
__________ is a subjective
phenomenon whose content can be
communicated only by means of
language or behavior.
Freud assumed that consciousness
employed a form of neutralized psychic
energy that he referred to as _____________.
attention cathexis
Part of the mind in which perceptions
coming from the outside world or from
which the body or mind are brought
into awareness.
Is composed of those mental events, processes, and contents capable of being brought into conscious awareness by the act of focusing attention.
The ________ also serves to maintain
the repressive barrier and to censor
unacceptable wishes and desires.
Its mental contents and processes are kept from conscious awareness through the force of censorship or repression.
is closely
related to instinctual drives.
The content of the _______
is limited to wishes seeking
The \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is characterized by primary process thinking, which has as its principal aim the facilitation of wish fu l f i l l m e n t a n d i n s t i n c t u a l discharge.
unconscious system
It is governed by the pleasure principle and therefore disregards logical connections, has no concept of time, represents wishes as fulfillments, permits contradictions to exist simultaneously, and denies the existence of negatives.
unconscious system
Memories in the unconscious have been divorced
from their connection with verbal symbols.
Hence, when words are reapplied to forgotten
memory traits, as in psychoanalytic treatment,
the __________ allows the memories to
reach consciousness again.
verbal recathexis
The three provinces of structural theory of mind:
Term to refer to a reservoir of unorganized
instinctual drives.
Operating under the domination of the primary
process, the ______ lacks the capacity to delay or
modify the instinctual drives with which an infant
is born.
The ______ should not be viewed as synonymous with
the unconscious because both the ego and
superego have unconscious components
The _____ spans all three topographic
dimensions of conscious, preconscious, and
Defense mechanisms reside in the
unconscious domain of the ______.
The ______ is the executive organ of the
psyche and controls motility, perception,
contact with reality, and, through the
mechanisms of defense available to it, the
delay and modulation of drive expression.
Freud believed that the modification of the
______ occurs as a result of the impact of the
external world on the drives
The ego ideal is often regarded as a
component of the _______.