Theories - Effects of Media Flashcards
What is the Social Learning Theory
Children learn new behaviours by observing and imitating action. This also applies to actions observed in media.
Who came up with The Social Learning Theory?
Albert Bandura
What is the Moral Panic theory?
Public concern that a media product is seen as threatening to society and its values and is therefore blamed for influencing crimes and behaviours.
Who came up with the Moral Panic theory?
Stanley Cohen
What is the stereotypes theory?
Audience’s are likely to stereotype people based on how they are presented in media.
Who came up with the stereotypes theory?
Walter Lipmann
What is the Hypodermic Needle Theory?
Media messages are inserted into the brains of a passive audience, meaning they absorb violent and anti-social content without thought.
Who created the Hypodermic Needle Theory?
Harold Lasswell
What is the Cultivation Theory?
Audiences become desensitised overtime to violence by viewing it in media.
Who invented the Cultivation Theory?
George Gerbner
What is the Audience Response theory?
Audiences are not passive, they are actively involved in media consumption so they can separate fictional and real world scenarios.
Who invented the Audience Response Theory?
Stuart Hall
What is the Catharsis Theory?
Fictional violence in media reduces violence in real life as it can be used as an outlet for aggressive feelings.
Who invented the Catharsis Theory?
Gotthold Lessing but has roots in Aristotle
What is the Confluence Model of Sexual Aggression?
Suggests exposure to violent pornography impacts men’s objectification of women and causes increased sexual violence and aggression.
Who believes that pornography impacts sexual violence?
Feminist sociologists Dworkin and Morgan.
What is the Semiotics Theory?
Media uses signs to convey meanings
Who invented the Semiotics Theory?
Roland Barthes
When was the Semiotics Theory invented?
What is the Male Gaze Theory?
Women are objectified in media for the pleasure of male viewers
Who invented the Male Gaze Theory?
Laura Mulvey
What is the Hyperreality Theory?
Media blurs lines between reality and representation
Who invented the Hyperreality theory?
Jean Baudrillard
What is the Feminist Theory?
Media reinforces gender stereotypes
Who invented the Feminist Theory?
Liesbet van Zoonen
What is the Theory on Ethnicity?
Media represents ethnicity through 4 stereotypes; exotic, dangerous, humorous and pitied
Who invented the Theory on Ethnicity?
What is the Gender Performativity Theory?
Gender is performed based on societal expectations and media reinforces or challenges gender norms
Who invented the Gender Performativity theory?
Judith Butler
What is the Star Persona Theory?
Celebrity stars are contrasted to represent specific ideologies that reflects social and cultural values
Who invented the Star Persona Theory?
Richard Dyer
What is the end of audience theory?
Audiences are no longer passive due to the way social media operates. Technology has changed our behaviour; instead of just consuming media passively, we also contribute to it. In his argument, no audience is passive.
What is the fandom theory?
Fans are devoted followers of media texts who actively engage with the products to construct their own meanings and interpretations beyond the original message
What is Representation Theory?
How people are represented e.g their gender, race, age, is not always accurate to real life. This can also cause stereotypes
Who invented Representation Theory?
Stuart Hall
What is Identity Theory?
People’s identities are influenced by the media they consume.
What is the media effect theory?
-The media can implant ideas in the mind of the audience directly as they are passive.
-Audiences acquire attitudes, emotional responses and new conduct via modelling
-Representations of transgressive behaviour (aggression) are imitable (bobo dolls)
Who invented Identity Theory?
David Gauntlett
What is Post-Colonialism Theory?
Colonialism still influences how different races and countries are portrayed and viewed.
Who invented the Post-Colonialism Theory?
Paul Gilroy
What is Feminist Theory?
Feminism is an effort to end sexist, patriarchal oppression
Who invented Feminist Theory?
Bell Hooks
What is the Otherness Theory?
Relates to how white/western cultures portray non-western cultures
Who invented the Otherness Theory?
Edward Said
What is the Racial Stereotypes Theory?
Black people are represented 4 ways by Western media:
-The Exotic
-The dangerous
-The Pitied
-The Humorous
Who invented the Racial Stereotypes Theory?
Manuel Alvarado
What is the Stereotype Theory?
Not all stereotypes are negative
Not all stereotypes are about minority groups
Not all stereotypes are rigid or unchanging
Some stereotypes can be held about peoples own groups
Not all stereotypes are false
Who invented the Stereotype Theory?
Tessa Perkins