Theories and Applications of Reinforcement Flashcards
What are the two questions a theory of reinforcement must answer?
- the identity of a reinforcer - what makes something a reinforce & how can we predict whether something will be an effective reinforcer
- the mechanism of reinforcement effects - how does a reinforcer produce its effects?
What is the issue with the law of effect?
can predict the effects of instrumental conditioning but not why it happens
What is the drive reduction theory?
focus is homeostasis - e.g. one must maintain a stable supply of nutrients to survive - food is effective as a reinforcer because it reduces hunger drive… what makes a stimulus reinforcing is its effectiveness in reducing a drive state
How can the drive reduction theory be extended to reinforcers that do not satisfy a biological drive?
pairing primary with secondary reinforcers
What instances of reinforcement can the drive theory not explain
sensory reinforcement - e.g. music, beautiful paintings & other works of art are examples of this
Discuss David Premack’s theory/reinforcers as responses
he considered situations such as a rat pressing a lever for food, but instead of thinking of the reinforcer as a pell of food he thought of it was the act of eating - NOT what makes food a reinforcing stimulus but RATHER what makes eating a reinforcing response
What is the Premack principle
the opportunity to perform a higher probability response (e.g. play on swings) will serve as a reinforcer for the lower probability response (attend reading class)
What are some problems with the Premack principle
- assigning a precise numerical value to the probability of a response is difficult
- it is merely a formula to identify reinforcers - does not tell us how these work
What is the response deprivation hypothesis
difference b/w instrumental and reinforcer responses is that the subject has free access to the instrumental response (lever pressing) but access to the reinforcer response (eating) is restricted (response deprivation)
What is a contradiction to the Premack principle by the response deprivation hypothesis?
says that even low-probability responses can be used to reinforced high probability behaviour if access is restricted below its baseline rate
What are the two theories that provide answers to the question - what makes something effective as a reinforcer?
premack priciple & response deprivation hypothesis
Discuss the behavioural regulation approach
e.g. for every one minute doing a desirable behaviour, have to do an undesirable behaviour
What is token economy?
the principle of conditioned reinforcement is used in an attempt to improve the behaviours of entire groups of individuals
What do all token economies have in common?
each individuals can earn tokens by performing any of a number of different desired behaviours and can later exchange these tokens for a variety of ‘backup’ or primary reinforcers
Discuss an early study by Shaefer and Martin on token economies in schizophrenic patients
- 40 adult female patients diagnosed chronic schizophrenics
- appeared apathetic & lacked interest and motivation
- sought to determine if the contingent delivery of tokens for more varied and normal behaviours would improve behaviour
- control group supply of tokens regardless of behaviour - experimental group reinforced with tokens for specific behaviour
- tokens used to purchase necessities/luxuries
What are the long-term benefits from token economies?
patients exposed to a token economy have been found to need less medication, spend less time in hospital & remain out of hospital longer once released
Discuss the problem with maintaining behaviour
the greatest problem has proved to be maintaining these gains when the reinforcement program is terminated
What are some tactics for encouraging maintenance?
- partial reinforcement
- reinforcing in a variety of settings
- fading out the program gradually rather than terminating it abruptly