Theories Flashcards
The belief that music’s ability to evoke emotions and take on meaning results from the structural characteristics of music itself.
Extramusical Assocation
Instance in which music produces thoughts, feelings and sensations about things other than the music itself. Ex. when a trumpet call is recognized as a symbol for victory in battle.
Functions of Music
The various ways that music is used in society
Good Gestalts
Refers to a principle of Gestalt psychology that states that figures and patterns tend to be perceived in the most stable or best form as a sensory input will allow.
The imitation of a feeling, object or event through the structural properties of an art form.
Leo Kanner
A psychiatrist who first identified autism as a distinct developmental disorder. Labelling it “infantile autism”.
Optimal Complexity Theory
Theory that specific’s that we feel the most pleaureable feelings if music has an ideal of complexity of familiarity. This ideal level can change depending on situation circumstances.
Referentialist Philosophy
The belief that the meaning in music arises from connections the listener makes between music and a non-musical object or event.
Team-Oriented Approach
End of life care in which a variety of professionals collaborate to meet a client needs, sometimes crossing or transcending disciplinary lines.
Theory of Expectations
Theory that specifies that emotions are aroused when a tendency to respond a certain way is inhibited. The last few notes being left out of a familiar melody.
Referring to one side only.