Theoretical Orientations Flashcards
In this orientation people are not emotionally sick and in need of curing. They have become discouraged and need positive, growth oriented encouragement
Adlerian Orientation
In this orientation, counseling should be growth-oriented, focused on the future, and create goals that provide direction in life and the ability of clients
Adlerian Orientation
This orientation is person-centered and emphasizes the client/therapist realtionship as the major factor that leads to personal change
Existential Orientation
This orientation focuses on techniques designed to tap the unconscious and counselors use interpretations to foster insight
Psycho analysis
This orientation believes that people can move forward in a constructive direction w/o interpretation or active intervention from the therapist; counselors DO NOT rely on directive techniques; they have faith in clients’ capacities for self-direction
Person-Centered Therapy
This orientation holds that people by nature uncritically incorporate irrational ideas about themselves and life; counselors use a therapeutic style characterized by forceful persuasion, active & direct teaching. Techniques are used to help the client attack stubborn irrational thoughts; There is a high degree of therapist confrontation to undermine the client’s tendency towad self-sabotage
Rational-Emotive Therapy
The struggle between valuing characteristics like autonomy of choice, expression of feelings, beig open and self-reveling versus a client being emotionally reserved and not making decisions on their own could be viewed as
Cultural Sensitivity
a theory of personality development; a philosophy of human nature; a method of psychotherapy, focus on unconscious factors that motivate human behavior; attention to events of the 1st 6 years of life determining the later development of personality
a growth model; stresses taking responsibility, creating one’s own destiny, and finding meaning and goals to give life direction; these key concepts are used in most other current therapies
Alfred Adler/Adlerian Therapy
Viktor Frankl, Rollo May, Irvin Yalom
Existential Therapy
a reaction to view therapy as a system of well-defined techniques; stresses building therapy on the basic conditions of human existence: choice, freedom, & responsibility to shape one’s life; self-determiniation; focus is on the quality of the person-to-person therapeutic relationship
Existential Therapy
carl Rogers
Person-centered therapy
originally a non-directive approach developed during the 1940s; a reaction against psychoanalysis; based on a subjective iew of human experience; places more faith in and gives more responsibility to the client in dealing with prolems
Person -Centered Therapy; Rogerian
Fritz Perls
Gestalt Therapy
experiential therapy stressing awarreness and integration; reaction against analytical therapy; integrates functioning of body and mind
Gestalt Therapy
Eric Berne
Transactional Analysis
early model working towards cognitive & behavioral aspects; helps people evaluate past decisions in light of their present appropriateness
Transactional analysis
Arnold Lazarus, Albert Bandura, Joseph Wolpe, Alan Kazdin
Behavioral Therapy
applies principles of learning to the resolution of specific behavioral disorders; results subject to continual experimentation; this technique is constantly being refined
Behavioral Therapy
Albert Ellis
Rational Emotive Therapy
didactic (teaching); cognitive, action-oriented model of therapy that stresses the role of thinking and belief systems as the root of personal problems
Rational Emotive Therapy
William Glasser
REality therapy (Choice Therapy)
short-term, with focus on the present; stresses strengths, essentially a way clients can learn more realistic behavior and thus achieve success
Reality/Choice therapy
What category? approach used in psychoanalytic therapy; insight; unconscious motivation, reconstruction of personality; major influence on alal other formal systems of psychotherapy
What category? existential, person-centered, & Gestalt
Experiential and Relationship Oriented
this orientation examines what it means to be fully human; the ‘human condition’ comprises ‘themes’ of freedom, responsibility, anxiety, guilt, awareness of mortality, creating meaning in the world, shaping one’s future through active choices; it is not a unified school of therapy
this approach is rooted in humanistic philosophy; emphasizes basic attitudes of therapist; the determinant of therapeutic outcomes is the relationship quality between the client &the therapist; clients have the capacity for self-direction without active intervention and direction from therapist
Person Centered
helps clients focus on what they are experiencing now and become aware of the diversity of feelings
What category? ‘action therapies’, Adlerian, Transactional Analysis, Behavioral, Rational Emotive, Cognitive Behaviora, Reality/Choice
Cognitively Oriented & Behaviorally Oriented
how people make early decisions in response to parental messages; ‘life script’ or life plan and client capacity to make new decisions, that are more appropriate to current level of maturity
Transactional Analysis
emphasis on doing and taking steps to make concrete changes; paying increased attention to cognitive factors as determinants of behavior
Behavioral Therapy
necessity of learning to challenge irrational beliefs and automatic thoughts that lead to human misery
Rational Emotive and Cognitive Therapies
Bowen Family Systems - founder
Murray Bowen
Triangles (Bowen Family Systems)
one or the other will attend to a third, stress-free person or entity (work, church)
Purpose of differentiating of self in Bowen Family System
becoming more independent of self and emotion; otherwise are you just trying to please others in the family
Emotionally Cut-Off (Bowen)
not able to differentiate; or deal with it by not dealing with it