Theoretical Approaches and the Comparative Method Flashcards
formal organizations with political purpose or effect, marked by durability and internal complexity (can be more or less formal)
the process in which organizations build stability and permanence when they possess internal complexity, follows clear rules of procedure, and is clearly distinguished from its environment
an approach to the study of politics and govs; focus on structures and dynamics of governing institutions
New Institutionalism
examines how institutions make decisions and interests
1. Provide benefits and opportunities, shaping interests,
2. Sustained interactions encourages the emergence of an institutional culture and generate norms that shape behavior
Logic of Appropriateness
actions that conform to its norms (officer attending funeral ceremony)
Logic of Consequences
actions which members of an institution take on the basis of a rational calculation of altruism or self interest
Historical Institutionalism
defines institutions as formal or informal procedures, routines, norms, and conventions
Path Dependency
exact sequence doesn’t matter, just that it does
one event is caused by another, caused by another like domino effect; sequence of causes and effects
Critical Junctures
turning points that alter the course of evolution of some entity
Process Tracing
a research method used to develop and test theories. It is generally understood as a “within-case” method to draw inferences on the basis of causal mechanisms
Rational Choice
Actors seek to maximize utility, instits are either consciously designed or consequential outcomes of purposive action
Researchers identify key actors, strategies, decision making sequences, and available info
Game theoretic models (rational-choice)
emphasizes people over institutions, studying the attitudes and behavior of individuals in search of scientific generalization
Individuals as the unit of analysis
Rational Choice
based on the idea that political behavior reflects the choices made by individuals working to maximize their benefits and minimize their costs
People are “rational in the sense that , given goals and alternative strategies to choose from; they will select the one that maximizes their chance of achieving goals
Identify goals of the actors and how their objectives can be achieved in a given situation, enabling the ability to predict through modeling expected behavior
Individuals as well as larger units are analyzed
Collective Action
Collective Action Problems:
Negative outcomes that happen as people free ride on the efforts of others in providing public goods
emphasizes the relationships among groups and networks within larger systems. Interests and positions of these groups shape the overall configurations of power and provide the dynamic of political change
Groups as unit of analysis
Marxist/Neo-Marxist Theory
Explores primacy of economic forces in explaining political and social phenomena, the central role of the production process, the character of capitalism as a global mode of production, and the importance of social or economic class
The structure of the global system is a result of the spread of global capitalism that privileges some actors and imposes constraints on others
Critical Feminism
Argues that gender permeates all structures
International economic rules and institutions burden women as the current neoliberal capitalist model pressures states to reduce social spending, increasing exposure, and exploitation of minorities and poor to global spending
Dependency Theory
Seeks to understand why development has benefited the rich northern states, rather than the poor southern state and why the gap is widening
Contends that terms of trade were unequal between the developing and developed world due to (neo)colonialism and the influence of multinational corporations and international banks based in the developed world
Organizations/instits were viewed as agents of penetration, linking transnational relationships with elites in developing states, linking domestic elites in both the exploiter and exploited states
Securitization Studies
Arises due to concerns over the presence of military-industrial complex
Argues that states and international organizations seek to exercise increasing control over their political environment by making an issue into a matter of security
- There is no political reality separate from our mental constructions, and no reality which can be examined to reveal the impact of ideas upon it
- Ideas have an independent effect, shaping how we define our interests, goals, allies, enemies, etc.
Interpretivists consider how the meanings of behavior form, reflect, and sustain, the traditions and discourses of a social group or an entire society
ideas/interests are socially constructed
Role of historical narratives
The systemic analysis of the methods used in a given field of enquiry. Also used to describe the body of methods used in a discipline or its means used to reach a particular set of conclusions
Unit of Analysis
The object of study in comparative politics
Level of Analysis
The level of study in comparative politics, ranging from the political system level to the individual level
The usage of experimental and control groups to isolate the effects of different stimuli
Statistical Method
The usage of empirically observed data to tease out relationships among variables
Comparative Method
Comparing a small number of cases in order to better understand their qualities and to develop and investigate hypotheses, theories, and concepts
Case Study Method
involves a detailed study of a particular object as well as the context within which it exists
Seeks to identify how a range of factors interact in the context of the example being studied
The aim of a good case study is to provide a description which is both rounded and detailed; thick description
Qualitative Method
A research method that typically uses a small number of cases to understand a phenomenon holistically and within its natural setting, with an emphasis on values, opinions, behavior, and context
A limited number of cases are studied in depth
Descriptive rather than predictive
An effort is made to understand the interaction of multiple variables
Most Similar System
a research design based on using cases that are as similar as possible, in effect controlling for the similarities and isolating the causes of differences
Most Different
a research design based on using cases that are as different as possible, controlling for causes of similarities
Quantitative Method
A research method involving variables rather than cases, and attempting to explain political phenomena using statistics
Tries to quantify data and generalize the results to a larger population
Generates information through experiments and survey research
Independent Variable
the factor or element believed to influence the dependent variable
Dependent Variable
the factor or element we wish to explain
Regression Line
the line of best fit in a scatter plot summarizing the relationship between two variables
Selection Bias
When selected cases and variables are unrepresentative og the wider class from which they are drawn
Large-n quantitative designs reduce likelihood of selection bias, however, the type of data and variables used could additionally suffer from the bias
Survivorship Bias
concentrating on entities that passed a selection process while overlooking those that did not
Confirmation Bias
the tendency of people to favor information that confirms or strengthens their beliefs or values and is difficult to dislodge once affirmed