Theology of Communication Flashcards
Communication is?
- Inescapable
- Must be intentional
- Is ALWAYS constructing
How did God Create?
By communicating. God’s creation is a perfect act of communication. Communication is an act of creation.
Why does God cease from creating & enter His rest?
Because it is our turn to create. How do we do it? Same way God did… we communicate. We create & share kingdom meaning in our communication
What is the goal of communication?
Goal has to do with its creative (not replicating) character. 1.Kingdom expansion (Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven).
2. We speak not to make a point BUT to make a kingdom & temple.
Through communication…
- We Manifest & expand the kingdom of God on earth.
- We proclaim & reclaim. “This is our Father’s world”
Don’t be content c/just telling what you know…
God has given us communication so that we can:
1. Constantly be growing in our understanding and knowledge
2. Participate in the process of meaning production.
So much of communicating on the gospel focuses on “let me tell you what I know” IT SHOULD NOT.
Communication is a matter of…
- Creativity- We are constantly creating new meanings
- Authority- We have the authority to name elements of creation.
Our purpose is to expand what God created. God created the world c/potential. God gave humanity these.
Gen 1:28= God was excited to see what Adam named the animals. He let Adam express his authority & creativity. He did not give Adam a cheat sheet to name the animals.
The Garden of Eden & the Power of communication…
1.God created humanity as the pinnacle of his creation-his image
2.Humanity alone has the capacity for symbolic language
3.The arbitrary nature of language represents the creativity instilled within humanity
4. The naming of the animals is a task of authority & creativity (carrying God’s work)
What is God setting humanity for in the garden?
To be fruitful & multiply, Name the animals,Do not eat of that tree. These are the steps that God gives humanity to succeed, to prepare, & to achieve.
How does communication have power?
Words are powerful. Knowing that words can determine your outcome. For example Matthew 5:26. Jesus that we have done enough to be damned to hell.
Words do hurt as we have hurt & we have hurt others.
What task did God give humanity?
The task of defeating evil (the enemy). Just say “no”. It was given to humanity to defeat Satan through communication. Where the first Adam fails the second Adam (Jesus Christ) SUCCEEDS. He knows & uses God’s words to defeat the enemy. Humanity didn’t defeat the enemy at the 1st tree, but at the 2nd tree Jesus did. B/c Christ said NO we have life and the task to further his new creation. Through the Spirit of God, our communication has the creativity and authority to produce God-honoring meaning…which will change the world.
What does it mean to “communicate” the gospel?
Transmissional view: It is a matter of information sharing. It is easy. I am the preacher/ evangelist. You are the listener. I have the meaning (which was dictated to me), & I will give it to you.
Transactional View (CORRECT): It is a matter of life sharing. The point is to obey God, NOT ensure the person accepts God. It becomes more significant & less compartmentalized that recognizes the potential of mutual growth. I am not dictating the meaning to you; I am creating space for you and me to view and understand the meaning in a more significant manner.
Sending meaning or Negotiating meaning? What comes first? The thought,
The word, The action, The character?
Ultimately, it is more a Chicken & egg scenario & less than a horse and cart scenario. Sending meaning and negotiating meaning happens at the same time.
So it is with Communication…
Communication is not just a matter of, “I have an idea; now I am going to tell you.” It is a process by which even as we speak, we are working out the idea and the meaning. We don’t wait until our faith is complete and then share the gospel. Our commitment to the gospel is being worked out as we speak.
James refers to the tongue as…
- Bit. The thing in a horse’s mouth. It steers the rest of the body.
- Rudder.
- Spark. From that spark a fire can come & destroy thousands of trees.
- Fire. The power of communication can destroy or build his kingdom.
- Spring. Water spring/water well. With the same tongue we praise God & curse our brothers & sisters