Theology II Flashcards
Christian Moral Principles
Martin Luther
Sola Scriptura + The Priesthood of All Believers
A simple layman armed with Scripture is greater than the mightiest pope without it
Christian Moral Principles
Soren Kierkegaard, Fear and Trembling
Theonomous appraoch
Teleological suspension of the ethical
Christian Moral Principles
Mark 2:27
The Sabbath was made for man, not the man made for the Sabbath
Christian Moral Principles
Dei Verbum
Bible and Church x3
Equal sentiments of devotion and reverence
Sacred tradition
Without error
Christian Moral Principles
Richard Hays
Heteronomous Approach
Co-ordinate the cultural logic of our own historical setting
Christian Moral Principles
Hans Kung
Heteronomous x2
Secular and ecclesiastical falsifications of Christianity
Incomprehensible dogmas
Christian Moral Principles
Hans Kung
Orienting himself practically on this Jesus Christ
Christian Moral Principles
Exodus 21:24 + Matthew 5:39
An eye for an eye
Turn the other cheek
Christian Moral Principles
2 Samuel 11
Ambiguous Bible
[David, Bathsheba, Uriah the Hittite]
Christian Moral Principles
Judges 19
Texts of Terror
Phyllis Trible
Abyssinian Baptist Church
The Black Christ is preached with rapturous passion and vision
Bonhoeffer, Sanctorium Communio
Divine You
Object to be known
Matthew 25:40
Divine You
Whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters, you did for me
Reich Church, Guiding Principles
Deuche Christen
National faith in Christ
National Church
Marxism, the enemy of God
Mere pity is charity
Heroic piety
Bonhoeffer, Radio Address
Strange transfer
The individual is totally dissolved
Collectivism that turns into an individualism to the nth degree
Nordic Standpoint
Bonhoeffer, Bethel Confession
Against racism
The fellowship of those belonging to the church is not determined by blood, therefore not by race
Romans 13:4
Romans 13:8
The one in authority is God’s servant for your good
He who loves his neighbour has fulfilled the law
3 Principles
Civil disobedience
Spoke in the wheel itself
Bonhoeffer, Nachfolge
Cheap grace (no metanoia) vs costly grace
Justification of the sin but not the sinner
Forgiveness without repentence
Causes a disciple to leave his nets and follow him
Mark 8:34
Those who want to follow Jesus
Take up their cross and follow me
Bonhoeffer, Letter to Reinhold Neibuhr
If he doesn’t return to Germany
Terrible alternative
- It is worse for a liar to tell the truth than a lover of truth to lie
- The Western Void
- Replacement Spiritualities
- Religionless Christianity
- [God should be] in the middle of the village
Bonhoeffer, Coming of Age
Confessing Church
Christ disappears from view
Pluralism and Theology
Karl Rahner
Anonymous Christians
Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ
Pluralism and Theology
Job 19:25
Anonymous Christians - counter to Kraemar
I know that my redeemer lives and that in the end he will stand on the earth
Pluralism and Theology
Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics
Universalism?? (and Exclusivism) x2
I don’t believe in universalism, but I do believe in Christ, the redeemer of all
Top down
Pluralism and Theology
John Hick
Theocentric not Christocentric
Falsely objective
Pluralism and Theology
John 14:6
No one comes to the Father except through me
Pluralism and Theology
John MacQuarrie
Against inclusivism
Terms become eroded and distinctions blurred
Pluralism and Theology
Chris Sinkinson
Empty core
Pluralism and Society
Matthew 28:18
Go and make disciples of all nations
Pluralism and Society
Redemptoris Missio
Everybody has the right to hear the ‘Good News’
Pluralism and Society
Gary Slater, Scriptural Reasoning and the Ethics of Public Discourse
Propositional logic
Tends to extend and replicate conflict
Pluralism and Society
William Lane-Craig
If society does not allow exclusivistic views
De-legitimated and marginalised
Pluralism and Society
Paul Knitter
Exclusivism and religion x3
Gets in they way [of tolerance]
Axial shift
Christianity is just as dangerous as white supremacy
Pluralism and Society
Gavin D’Costa
David Ford + Scriptural Reasoning
Ford’s tent insinuates… the logic of liberalism
Pluralism and Society
Gavin D’Costa
David Ford + Scriptural Reasoning
Ford’s tent insinuates… the logic of liberalism
Pluralism and Society
Christopher Hitchens
Religion x2
Threat to the idea of a peacable society
Pluralism and Society
Second Vatican Council
No one should be forced to act against his conscience in religious matters
Pluralism and Society
John Paul II
Inter faith dialogue and conversion
Inter-religious dialogue is a part of the Church’s evangelising mission
2 Timothy 3:16
Bible = divine
God has breathed life into all scripture