THEOLOGY EXAM!! Flashcards
What is the belief that the existence of God cannot be know or proven.
What is the denial of the existence of God
What is a revealed truth solemnly defined in the magisterium of the church
What are St. Thomas Aquinas’ “five ways”
Argument from motion: Anything that is in motion must have been moved.
Argument from causes: Everything must be created by something else.
Argument from possibility and necessity: Everything in nature is possible.
Argument from degrees of perfection: Something are more perfect than others.
Argument from governance: some events happen by chance
What is the insufficient to fully know God, for God is infinite, and even by his help, man’s finite mind cannot contain him.
Natural Revelation
What are the four characteristics given by scripture for our knowledge of God?
easy to attain
What is the intellectual power of facility that is orderallt employed by man in adapting thought or action to some end.
What is the holy spirit which guides the church and it’s teaching authority
What are miracles and why are they important in the Catholic Church?
The greatest miracle is Jesus Christ. It is important because it verifies the truthfulness of all divine Revelation
What is someone who talk to mankind n the name of God?
A prophet
What is when God reveals himself to us through his actual words or deeds?
Divine Revelation
What is the word of God passed through Jesus to the Apostles and then continually passed for generations?
Sacred Tradition
What is cannot be wrong;without error
What are meetings at which bishops of the world come together to discuss meeting of concern of the church?
A ecumenical council
What is the purpose of an ecumenical council?
To discuss problems of the church
What is a promise between God and his people?
A covenant
Who or what was the fulfillment of all God’s promises?
Jesus Christ
What happened at pentecost?
The 12 disciples were locked in a room waiting for the holy spirit to come upon them, and when it did they all started speaking and preaching in different languages.
What came first Sacred tradition or Sacred scripture?
Sacred Tradition
How was the gospel spread soon after Jesus ascended into heaven?
Thought eh Apostles
What are some sources of tradition?
Testimonies of the faith, from the first Christian generations, liturgy and the writing of the fathers of the church.
What are some examples of who the church Fathers were.
The holy fathers, fathers of the church, which are saints of the early church
Who is the primary author of Sacred Scripture?
What are the two MAIN liturgy senses used to read the Scared Scripture?
Proper literature sense
who two people started an argument which caused the first ecumenical council?
Arius of Alexandria
Pope Sylvester
What language was the Mass always said in up to 1965?
What are the two sections the Bible is split up into?
New Testament and Old Testament
What four categories can we use to describe different parts of the two sections?
How many book are In the old testament?
What are the three names used to describe the first five books of the Bible?
Books of the law
What are the first five books?
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
About the History books of the Old testament.
Tells the story of the people of Israel, from the conquest of Cannon to the end of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah and onto the relation of Jerusalem
About the Books of Wisdom
Job- a long poem asking a hard question
psalms- a collection of religious poems or songs
proverbs- a connection of wise sayings
ecclesiastes- a long meditation
About the book prophecy
heads up to the new Testament, prophets were sent by God
Who were these prophecies pointing up to?
What books are considered the “Law” section of the New Testament?
The gospels
Who wrote the four gospels?
What book is considered the “history” section of the New Testament
The Acts of the Apostles
What books are considered to be the “wisdom” section of the New Testament?
The Epistles
What does the word epistle mean?
Who wrote most of the letters in the Bible
St. Paul
What book is considered the “prophecy” section of the New Testament?
Who wrote this book of prophecy?
St. John
What three languages were used to write the original texts of the Bible?
What is the Vulgate?
When the Bible was translated into Latin
Who wrote the Vulgate?
St. Jerome
Why is the Vulgate important?
Because everyone used to speak Latin so it was easier for everyone to read and listen to the Bible and go to mass
What was the first book to be printed on the printing press?
The Latin Vulgate
How many books total are in the Bible?
Who was the one israelite that was NOT allowed into the promise land?
What word means “God’s anointed one”?
What are two of the judges from the book of Judges?
Samuel, Samsea
What are the two gospel writers who were Apostles?
what were promises made to Adam?
When he died he would have eternal life
He would have to work hard
What tree were Adam and Eve not aloud to eat from?
The tree of knowledge
What animal did satan use to deceive Eve?
A serpent
Who ate of the tree of knowledge?
Adam and Eve
What were the results of the curse?
Childbirth would be painful, family life, although still an image of God’s love will be married by sin. Work designed to be a joy, will be hard and not always fruitful. Suffering illness, and physical death are inevitable in this life
What was the name of Adam and Eve’s third, less famous son?
Who was the next truly righteous person after Adam?
Noah was told by God to build what?
A Ark
About the story of Cain and Abel.
Cain murdered Abel out if envy because he was liked more.
About what happened at the fall of Adam and Eve?
Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge, and they were kicked out as well as a curse
What was the sign of God’s promise to Noah?
A rainbow
What sin was the downfall of those that built the Tower of Babel?
Why did Cain kill Abel?
Because he was jealous
Who is typically shown standing on a snake?
God choose this person to be the Father of His people.
Describe the promises made to Abraham
Abraham would have land, His generation would never end, and his wife would bare a son.
Why was it a huge deal for God to promise that Sarai would have a son?
Because he had difficulty trusting God’s Promises
What name was Abram given by God?
Who was Abraham and Sarah’s only son?
How did God test Abraham?
He told Abraham to sacrifice Issac instead of a lamb or a goat.
Isaac and Rebekah had two sons. What are their names?
Esau and Jacob
What did Esau trade for his birthright for?
How many sons does Jacob have?
After wrestling with God, what name does he give to Jacob?
Who was Jacob’s favorite son?
How many years (total) did Jacob have to work to marry Rachel?
What was the name of Jacobs daughter?
Which of Jacob’s sons would have King David and Jesus from his family?
Based on a prophecy, who did Pharaoh have killed?
All the Hebrew boys
Instead of killing him, what did Moses’ parents do to try to save him?
They put him in a basket and sent them down the Nile
Who found Moses?
The pharaoh’s daughter
why does Moses Flee into the desert and leave behind his life as an egyptian prince?
Because he killed an egyptian that was beating a slave
How does God appear to Moses?
The burning Bush
What does “Yahweh” mean in hebrew?
I am
What does God send to Egypt to help persuade Pharaoh into letting the chosen people go free?
The 10 plagues
How could the Israelites save themselves from the angel of death?
By sacrificing a lamb and putting lamb blood on the door, and preparing a special meal
Who was killed by the angel of death that was close to the Pharaoh?
The pharaoh’s son.
Raising his staff, Moses parted what body of water?
The red sea
What was the name of the bread God gave to the Israelites in the desert?
After coming down from the mountain, what does Moses witness the Israelites doing?
He witnessed them worshiping a golden calf
How long did the Israelites wonder in the desert?
40 years
Who led the Israelites into canaan, the promise land?
Who did God send to help restore righteousness in the newly formed israel?
Name the ten plagues?
Blood in water, flies,frogs,gnats, loctus, boils, disease in livestock, darkness, hail, and death in first born.
Why did the Israelites want to be like other nations?
Because they wanted a king like other nations