Quarter 2 vocab Flashcards
What is the definition of Perspicacious?
Having strong mental perception and understanding
What is the part of speech of Perspicacious?
What is the other forms of Perspicacious?
Perspicaciously (adv)
Perspicaciousness (n)
What are the synonyms of Perspicacious?
observant, sagacious, wise
What are the antonyms of Perspicacious
ignorant, unobservant, inattentive
What is the definition of Eradicate?
To do away with completely; to put an end to
What is the part of speech for Eradicate
What are the other forms of Eradicate?
Eradicable (adj)
Eradication (n)
What are the synonyms for Eradicate?
abolish, annihilate, wipe out
What are the antonyms of Eradicate?
conserve, protect, save
What is the definition of Slapdash?
Done too hurriedly or carelessly.
What is the part of speech of Slapdash?
What are the other forms of Slapdash?
What are the synonyms of Slapdash?
aimless, haphazard, careless
What are the antonyms of Slapdash?
orderly, methodical, complete
What is the definition of Juxtaposition?
Placing two or more things side by side to compare/contrast or to create an interesting effect.
What is the part of speech of Juxtaposition?
What are the other forms of Juxtaposition?
Juxtapositional (adj)
Juxtapose (v)
What are the synonyms of Juxtaposition?
proximity, nearness, closeness
What are the antonyms of Juxtaposition?
separateness, distance, remoteness
What is the definition of Daft?
Silly, foolish, crazy, or insane
What is the part of speech of Daft?
What are the other forms of Daft?
Daftly (adv)
Daftness (n)
What are the synonyms of Daft?
absurd, loony, mad
What are the anytons of Daft?
wise, perspicacious, smart
What is the part of speech of Ameliorate?
What is the definition of Ameliorate ?
To make something better, more bearable, or more satisfactory.
What are the other forms of Ameliorate?
Amelioration (n)
What are the synonyms of Ameliorate?
enhance, enrich, improve
What are the antonyms of Ameliorate?
worsen, leave alone, exacerbate