Theology - Bible Books Flashcards
Give a summary of God the Creator
Day 1 - Light + day & night
Day 2 - Sky
Day 3 - Land, Sea & vegetation
Day 4 - Sun, moon, stars
Day 5 - Land and Sea Animals: multiply and fill sea/sky
Day 6 - Land Animals + Humans : rule the earth
Day 7 - Rested
What are some ideas about God the Creator
- In the beginning, there was only God, meaning God was always there
- As God gives names to everything and when he says something it happens, it shows his authority
*Light symbolises life and truth in the bible - In the old testament, the seas were said to have powerful creatures lurking in them and if God made the sea, it shows his power
- He has human characteristics as he rests on a Sunday. He feels triumphant - ‘And it was good’. He is there to protect them as he is hovering over them.
The Call of Moses Summary
Moses was stending Jethro’s sheep. He led them to Horeb. God’s angel appeared in the flames of a bush. The bush was not destroyed by the flames. God called to Moses from the bush ‘Moses! Moses!’. Moses then said ‘Here I am’. God told Moses to take off his sandals because he was on holy ground. God said He was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Moses hid his face; he was afraid to look at God. God said He had seen the suffering of the Israelites in Egypt and had come to rescue them. He promised to lead them to a land ‘flowing with milk and honey’. Moses was to go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses asked why he should do it and God answered that He would be with him the whole time. Moses asked what he should do if the people asked for God’s name and he replied ‘I am who I am’.
some Key ideas from the Call of Moses
- Moses learn of his mission as prophet and leader.
- God reveals his name for the first time. God’s name is a statement that God exists as a being above all.
- Taking one’s shoe off is a sign of respect for God and he does this as Moses recognizes that it is a holy place.
- Moses is shown as questioning and unsure; he need reassurance from God. Moses was persuaded after God said he was the Son of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
- God is compassionate as he said that he had seen the suffering of the Israelites in Egypt and wanted to bring it to an end
- God is powerful as the bush didn’t light up. God is Generous as he promises the Jews a land flowing with milk and honey.
Give a summary of The Passover
God told Moses that every Israelite family should slaughter a 1 year old male lamb on the 14th day of the first month at twilight.
The blood of the lamb should be painted on the sides of the door frames where the family lived.
The meat had to be roasted and eaten with bitter herbs. The Israelites had to eat unleavened bread and all of the meat had to be eaten be before sunrise.
That night, God killed the first born except those of the families who had painted their door frames with blood.
What are some key ideas from The Passover?
*The Passover teaches us that freedom comes with a price. Freedom brings hardship, but we should face it bravely and go ahead in life
*We need to have faith in God, despite being in a difficult situation.
*God’s passing over the Israelites is a sign of God’s love and generosity which the later prophets considered to be a characteristic of is His relationship with Israel.
*They had to eat the lamb with bitter herbs as it reminded them of the bitter time they had as slaves.
What is a summary of the Garden of Eden?
Before any shrub had appeared, God created Adam. God made Adam from the dust of the Earth and breathed life into him. God planted a garden in Eden. In the middle of Eden, there were two trees: the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. A river watered the garden. God placed Adam in Eden and told him to care for it but not to eat from the tree of knowledge. God created the animals from the ground and brought them to Adam to name them. God said it was not good for Adam to be alone, so he took ribs from Adam and made Eve. Adam and Eve were naked, but they were not ashamed of the nakedness.
some Key ideas about the Garden of Eden
*This story shows that every man is God’s child.
*Life is given and sustained by God’s spirit.
*That God is kind and giving to the extent that he gave life to us.
*That humans are all in the image of God, as in that we all were created by him.
*That we should respect and love God for giving life to us.
*God treats us like his family as he creates a heaven for everyone (Eden)
What is a summary of The Fall
The serpent tempted Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge. The serpent told Eve that she would not die if she ate from the tree but she would become like God and know good and evil. Eve took some fruit from the tree and ate it. She gave some to Adam. When they ate it, they realized they were naked. When they heard God walking in the garden, they hid. Adam said to God that they hid themselves as they were naked. God asked him whether he had eaten from the tree of knowledge. Adam said that Eve had given him fruit from it and Eve said that the serpent told her to eat from it. God punished the snake by making it crawl on its belly and made humans be scared of him and try to kill him. God punished women by making childbirth 9 months and the her husband will rule over her. God punished men by making work painful. He then expelled both of them from the Garden of Eden.
What are some Key Ideas about the Fall
*Eve’s act symbolises the human desire for power. Adam’s act symbolises human weakness because he gives in to Eve.
*Only God can be self-made without creating evil. Humans are unable to have this knowledge and remain good and unsinful.
*The serpent symbolises the devil as well as the human desire and rebelliousness and God symbolises justice, compassion and mercy
*The punishments symbolise the pain and suffering of ordinary life, the inequality of relationships between men and women, and the struggle that humans have with nature.
*The humans realise they are wrong as they are ‘naked’
*Humans are greedy and God is merciful
Give a summary of Cain and Abel
Cain and Abel were Adam and Eve’s children. Cain, the first son, was a farmer. His brother Abel, who was the second son, was a shepherd. The brothers made sacrifices to God, but God favoured Abel’s sacrifice instead of Cain’s. Cain then murdered Abel, God heard the blood of Cain crying from the ground and sentenced Cain to a life of wandering, but he was protected by him.
What are some key ideas about Cain and Abel
*Cain and Abel show gratitude and kindness to God by offering sacrifices.
*When God hears Abel’s blood, it shows how Abel was innocent; in addition, the blood represents life.
*We learn a lot about God and his human traits. He appreciates genuine kindness and punishes with understanding because he could have killed Cain for his murder.
*We see Cain show several traits as well as he begins jealous and angry and then lies. This shows the development of human emotion.
*The punishment of endless wandering proves to be the worst punishment as Cain wishes to die instead.
What is a summary of the Good Samaritan
Many people refused to help someone who was injured and lying on the side of the road, but when the Samaritan saw the man, he took pity on him. He bandaged him and cleaned his wounds. He then put him on the back of his donkey and took him to an innkeeper, whom he paid to look after him. The parable ends with Jesus giving a commandment to go out and do the same as the Samaritan had done.
What are some key ideas about The Good Samaritan
*A neighbour could be anyone.
*You should be kind to everyone.
*You should always help people.
*Prioritise other people’s need before you.
*No Matter anything, Everyone is equal.
what is a summary of the prodigal/lost son
A man has two sons. The younger son asked to have his inheritance immediately rather than waiting for his father’s death. The younger son set off to a distant land and spent everything having a good time. When famine struck, he had to work looking after pigs. He was extremely hungry and could have easily eaten the pigs’ food. He realised his father’s servants were better off than he was so he decided to return home. He would say ‘I have sinned against God and against you’. While the son was still some distance from home, his father saw him and rushed to meet him; his heart was filled with compassion. His father told the servants to get a ring, a robe and sandals for the son and kill the fatted calf and prepare a feast. He then said ‘he was lost and now is found’. the elder son was angry and told his father that he had never been given a party like this and the father told him not to skip the party, but to be happy that his brother had returned.