Theology: Advent Flashcards
What is Advent in the Catholic Church?
Advent is a period of preparation, extending over four Sundays, before Christmas in the Catholic Church.
What does the word Advent mean?
The word Advent comes from the Latin advenio, meaning “to come to” and refers to the coming of Christ.
What are the three comings of Christ that we should keep in mind during Advent?
The three comings of Christ that we should keep in mind during Advent are Christ’s birth at Christmas, His coming in our lives through grace and the sacrament of Holy Communion, and His Second Coming at the end of time.
How many Sundays are in Advent?
There are always four Sundays in Advent, though not necessarily four full weeks.
What is the liturgical color of the Advent season?
The liturgical color of the Advent season is violet or purple, except on the Third Sunday of Advent when optional rose vestments may be worn.
What are the readings during Advent?
The prophesies of Isaiah are read often during the Advent season, but all of the readings of Advent focus on key figures of the Old and New Testaments who were prepared and chosen by God to make the Incarnation possible: the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. John the Baptist, St. Joseph, Sts. Elizabeth and Zechariah.
What are the O Antiphons?
The O Antiphons are seven magnificent Messianic titles recited during the height of expectancy from December 17 to December 24.
When was Advent declared as a penitential season?
Advent was officially declared a penitential season in 490 by Bishop Perpetuus of Tours in the Frankish Church of Western Europe.
What was the original name of the fast during Advent?
The original name of the fast during Advent was Quadragesima Sancti Martini (Forty Days’ Fast of Saint Martin’s).
How was the Advent season viewed in the Roman liturgy?
In the Roman liturgy, Advent was viewed as a non-penitential, festive and joyful time of preparation for Christmas.
What changes were made to the Advent liturgy after Vatican II?
After Vatican II, minor changes were made to the Advent liturgy to more clearly delineate the spirit of the Lenten and Advent seasons.
What are the colors traditionally used in Advent wreaths?
The traditional colors used in Advent wreaths are purple, pink and white.
Is it possible to use blue in place of purple in Advent wreaths?
Some Advent wreaths may use blue in place of the purple.
What is the significance of the 1st candle in the Advent wreath?
The 1st candle, also known as the Prophecy Candle or Candle of Hope, is purple in color and represents the hope that we can have because God is faithful and will keep the promises made to us. It serves as a reminder that our hope comes from God.
What is the Bethlehem Candle?
The Bethlehem Candle, also known as the Candle of Peace or Preparation, symbolizes God’s promise of a Savior who was born in Bethlehem.
What is the Shepherd Candle?
The Shepherd Candle, also known as the Candle of Joy, symbolizes the joy of the angels singing a message.
What is the Angel Candle?
The Angel Candle, also known as the Candle of Love, symbolizes the good news of a Savior that was announced by an angel. It reminds us of God’s love for us and how He sent His only Son to earth to save us.
What is the Christ Candle?
The Christ Candle is a white candle that symbolizes Jesus as the spotless lamb of God sent to wash away our sins. It reminds us of His birth and death, which was for our salvation.
What do the four candles of the Advent Wreath represent?
The four candles of the Advent Wreath represent the four weeks of Advent, symbolizing four centuries of waiting between the prophet Malachi and the birth of Christ. They also represent the period of waiting during these weeks.
What do the three purple candles and one rose candle of the Advent Wreath represent?
The three purple candles represent the royalty and majesty of Jesus Christ as King; King of Kings. Purple also symbolizes prayer, pertinence, and preparation. The rose candle represents joy and anticipation of Jesus’ coming.
What is Gaudete Sunday?
Gaudete Sunday is the third Sunday of Advent, also called Gaudete Sunday, when the priest wears rose vestments. It is represented by the rose candle and is known as the “Candle of Joy” to signify rejoicing and anticipation for the Birth of Jesus Christ.
Why do we light the rose candle on Gaudete Sunday?
We light the rose candle on Gaudete Sunday to signify that we are at the midpoint of Advent and to remind us that we have been preparing for the coming of Jesus Christ and are close to Christmas.
What does the weekly progression of lighting the candles symbolize?
The weekly progression of lighting the candles symbolizes our preparation, prayer, penitence, hope, expectation of Jesus Christ’s first Advent of coming into the world and anticipation for His Second Advent of coming to judge the living and the dead.
What does the Christ Candle symbolize?
The Christ Candle symbolizes Jesus Christ as the Light of the World. The light of the candle gets brighter each week, culminating on Christmas day, to represent Christ’s coming into the world.
What does the Advent Wreath symbolize?
The Advent Wreath symbolizes eternal life through our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is made of various evergreens representing healing, strength, and sacrificial love. The pinecones and nuts represent life and resurrection through Jesus Christ, while the holly with its red berries represents the Crown of Thorns that were placed on Jesus’ head at his crucifixion. The laurel represents victory over persecution, suffering, and death.
What is the origin of the Advent Wreath?
The origins of the Advent Wreath are somewhat debated. It is believed to have been adapted from an even earlier custom of pre-Christian Germanic tribes who used candles and evergreen wreaths to break the darkness of winter and invoke the sun god to return with the warmth and light of spring.
What does an evergreen wreath signify?
An evergreen wreath signifies that there is still life and that the circle of time will come back to spring.
When did the advent wreath become popular?
The advent wreath became popular in post-Reformation Germany in many homes, where families had a custom of lighting four candles during advent, placed in a wreath of evergreens.
Where can you find Advent wreaths today?
You can find Advent wreaths in many Protestant and Roman Catholic churches today.
What is the most important thing about the Advent Wreath?
The most important thing about an Advent Wreath is the circle of family and friends praying around the Advent Wreath.
What is the purpose of gathering around the Advent Wreath?
The purpose of gathering around the Advent Wreath is to pray together, give thanks for blessings, be thankful for what we have, and think of others who have less.
What is the purpose of the Advent Wreath?
The Advent Wreath is a wonderful opportunity to teach children the true meaning of Christmas and all its meanings and symbolisms. It provides a great chance to teach children about the real St. Nicholas and the origins of Santa Claus.
What does the Christ Candle remind us?
The Christ Candle reminds us that Jesus Christ should always be in the center of our lives. It also reminds us that Jesus Christ is the true meaning of Christmas—Giving!