Theology Flashcards
What is Islamic Monotheism (Tawhid)?
To make god one: divinity, lordship, names and attributes
What is Divinity?
Worship (main type): only God deserves acts of worship
What is Illah?
to be divine; to worship; one who is worshipped; there is no diety worthy of worship but Allah
What is Lordship?
only God is in control of the universe– no one else has actions or power of God
What are Names and Attributes?
only God can be called names like divine
What is Shirk?
Polytheism (Shirk can occur in all 3 categories: Divinity , Lordship, Names and Attributes)
Who are the Sufis?
mystical offshoot of Islam and called upon graves and asked saints to do something only God could do
How did the Sufis justify worshipping gravestones?
Illah=creator; there is no creator worthy of worship but Allah
How to interpret certain attributes?
Orthodox approach: believe in all attributes of God without diving into modality (how), anthropomorphism, distorting meaning, without denying attributes, without cosigning meaning
What are the levels of Predestination?
- God’s knowledge 2. Writing of decree 3. God’s will 4. God’s creation
Which group denied predestination?
Which group believed in predestination?
What is Faith (Eman)?
refers to the inner workings of religion (1. Statement of Tongue 2. Belief of the Heart 3. Actions of the limbs )
What did the Kharjites believe?
Either you have faith or not; if anyone commits any major sin– all faith is gone and you are excommunicated
What did the Muztalities believe?
similar to the Kharjites BUT considered people not believers or misbelievers– once you die, you will be in hellfire
What are the levels of faith?
Pillars of Faith, Obligatory faith, Recommended Fatih
What did the Muji’ rites believe?
Either you have faith or not– actions are not part of faith– must believe in god