Theological Considerations Flashcards
Demonology is theological to the core – not paranormal. True or False
There is an order of celestial beings. These beings are mentioned at least______ times in the Old Testament and _______
The presence of spirit beings has been recognized in almost all systems of religion.
true or false
What does the designation angel mean?
The holy or elect angels are the messengers of their Creator while the fallen angels are messengers of Satan, whom they elect to serve and are styled as demons.
True or False
since God is spirit (John 4:24), in no way partaking of material elements, we can assume these created beings more closely
resemble God than do us as there is an angel or spirit kingdom.
In their ordinary form, they are without
physical bodies (Heb. 1:13-14 - cf. Eph. 6:12
Though angles more closely resemble God, it is imperative to remember that they were not created in the _______ thereby, not participating in the
image of God
redemption of man
Five times within the Old Testament, we read “Sons of God.” Each of these five occasions to make reference to
these supernatural beings (Gen. 6:2,4; Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7).
Angels are
innumerable. They are not subject to death or any form of extinction; therefore, they do not decrease neither do they increase in number
They are not self-existent and depend upon their Creator as does man. Scriptures ________ and _____and _______ tell us that
(Ps. 148:2,5 - cf. Neh. 9:6; Col. 1:16)
Angels are direct creations of God, standing in immediate and personal relation to the Creator.
True or false
demonic entities exist because of
rejection and rebellion
what idea of rejection caused the rebellion amongst these spiritual entities?
The idea that humankind will one day be exalted above all angels was unacceptable to certain of these spiritual entities. This rejection of God’s plan infected the cosmos of fallen angels that refuse to serve mankind.
There are different classes of angels. What are they?
Cherubim, Seraphim, and living creatures.
The living creatures is a title that represents these angels as manifesting the
the fullness of divine life, unceasing activity, and abiding participation in the worship of God
The Cherubim are mentioned in
Gen. 3:24; II Kings 19:15; Ezek. 10:1-20 and 28:14-16.
Scripture indicates that Cherubim
are chiefly the guardians of the Throne of God