Stage 1 Infestation Flashcards
Demonic possession is a process comprised of three (3) steps:
- Infestation
- Oppression
- Possession
These three steps also serve as stages of a demonic haunt. Progression is not dependent upon time, but rather how quickly a person’s
intellect, will, and faith is shattered thereby allowing greater control by the entity
The end goal of a demonic haunt is
possession and the end goal of possession is the suicide of the victim.
demonic possession is a process. This progression is for the expressed purpose of
weakening and breaking one’s will to facilitate possession.
INFESTATION This affects houses, property, things, and even animals.
True or False
Broadly defined, the infestation is characterized by
a demonic presence within a structure or on a property and is considered “non-personal” whereas the remaining stages are.
This is also known as the invitational process.
a door has been opened by someone’s action and will.
Religious Demonologist Adam Blai defines infestation as
Demonic infestation is when demonic entities try to either scare with typical “ghost” tricks or entice with spirit communication and eliciting sympathy. The infestation is usually a result of some kind of invitation, either by the current residents or a previous one, or from a curse or a spell cast by a practitioner of black magic.
The goal of the infestation is to
awareness of the spirit, increase interaction with it, and finally start to control the life of the victim, or victims.Once some amount of relationship is formed and additional free rights have been given the infestation turns mean, violent, and controlling.
what are a few causes of demonic infestation:
- The structure may have had a pre-existing haunting brought about by previous owners or tenants.
- Opening oneself up in using an Ouija Board.
- Provoking spirit entities during investigations or ghost hunts.
- Visiting a psychic to get a reading.
- Divination by various means.
- Habitual or gross sin.
- Pagan or Satanic rituals or casting spells or having spells cast on you. Satanic worship.
- Demonic subjugation.
- Drug or alcohol abuse.
Before writing the haunting off as a human haunt, there are a few things you must pay attention to in determining the actual source of the haunting.
Demonic haunts have less than desirable effects upon one’s body and mind. You will feel an unmistakable and overwhelming energy present. Your 6th sense will alert you that something is not right, you will experience an overwhelming sense of dread, you may experience fear or feel like you are about to pass out. Some have reported difficulty breathing, acute nausea and confusion. These signs, according to Bishop Long, are clear indicators that an infestation is taking place.
.1.Heavy objects are thrown and are usually used to attack targets
- Knocking, banging, or pounding in a series of 3’s may be heard (Trinity knocks)
- Religious objects are desecrated or destroyed.
- Animals are very frightened and can become quite sick
- Growling sounds with no discernable source heard throughout the house
- Levitation of objects
- Activity begins to start up when you say prayers
- Foul, rotten odors without a source, e.g. human waste, rotten flesh, or sulfur. These odors have a sickening effect.
- Overwhelming, oppressive feeling within infested rooms. Many claims to experience acute nausea.
- Havoc with finances, electrical or plumbing or structural integrity of the property. Usually, one’s finances are strained or on the road to ruin before other problems surface.
- Overwhelming sense of dread - one intuitively knows that something is not right.
- Swarming insects. In demonic cases, swarming flies are most common
- Less than harmonious interaction between family members. They turn on each other.
- The sound of footsteps on floors or stairs.
- Disturbances in electronic equipment such as digital clocks going backwards,
appliances or lights turning on and off. - Temperature differences in a localized area. Extremely cold temperatures in certain rooms or areas regardless of outside temperatures.
- Fluids appearing on walls or floors.
- Black human figures that stand or move about.
- Black clouds that look like smoke, moving about without dissipating.
- Spiritual attacks are a possibility.
- Sleep disturbances
- Paranormal activity during prayer.
- Physical attacks, e.g. scratching, hitting, pushing, biting, punching, or being thrown.
- Retaliation when clergy called in.
- Light bulbs exploding.
Remember that during this stage demonic entities can impersonate deceased individuals in an attempt to entice with spirit communication and/or to elicit sympathy. How can we tell if it’s demonic or not
Demonic mimicking of the human spirit is always flawed. Usually, the eyes are missing, the face often distorted or a limb is missing. Sometimes the face can resemble a comic mask. They can also mimic the voice of a deceased loved one, but a flaw in the voice betrays the nature of the entity. The flaw is normally found in the pitch.
During an infestation, the following are possible
Psychological Attacks - The victim begins to think that he or she is crazy. One begins to hear and see things, hear the demonic actually speak to them and they begin to think things that they would normally never think.
3. Sexual Assaults – Self-explanatory, but a detailed discussion of sexual demons is forthcoming in a subsequent lesson.
Please note that when you are dealing with physical, psychological, and sexual attacks, the haunting can immediately progress into the second stage – ——–?
This stage is the second stage of possession and is quite dangerous. It is here that the demonic attempts to destroy your will, faith, and intellect are very personal. The demonic is now interacting with the victim. There is no set time limit on these stages.
Resolution of demonic infestation generally involves these steps:
- Educate the client about the nature of demonic trickery. In every demonic case, I have worked on, this is the first step I take in clearing out an infestation.
- Encourage them to have a close relationship with God and to attend a local church.
- If the client involved in the occult, help him or her to renounce involvement and assist in them removing occult-related items from the house.
- Perform house cleansing and blessing/sealing or Minor Rite of Exorcism. Laity in good standing with the Lord can perform this cleansing, but I highly recommend a demonologist or preferably ordained clergy to do so.
- Optional, but I always, always pray with family before leaving their home.
- Protect yourself and your group with a waiver release form.
Caution: If a client goes into possession during prayer, stop immediately and refer to the clergy.