Stage 2 Oppression Flashcards
True or False
This stage is dangerous, as the intent of a demon is made known. This is when the victim begins to experience the demon’s onslaught
Whereas the structure or property was the object of infestation ——- is the object of oppression
a person is the object of oppression
The demonic problem becomes more of what in the stage of oppression
personal and interacts in a more focused way with one victim
The goal of demonic oppression is to
put a strain on the victim emotionally, psychologically, physically, and spiritually causing them eventually to “give in” and accept more complete control from the demon(s).
The path to possession is characterized by increased demonic control in stages. It is here that the demonic is attempting to destroy one’s life to the point where the victim
takes his or her own life.
Pretense is always demonic deception. Demonic entities commonly masquerade as ??? to project an innocent nature and, in many cases, elicit sympathy.
Signs of Oppression
- Isolation from family and friends - Exercise both caution and discernment here as isolation can be the product of factors lying outside of demonic influence. Stress or depression can cause one to isolate himself or herself. If the client has completely isolated him or herself, have him or her seek medical help first.
- Diabolical confusion – Self-explanatory
- Hopelessness or fatalism
- Insomnia; nightmares
- Significant falloff in hygiene and self-care/care of family and responsibilities 6. Severe depression
- Obsessive behavior
- Hearing voices suggesting lewd or disgusting acts; the harming of oneself or others and voices suggesting the avoidance of positive people.
- Writing or occult symbols on the victim’s body in raised welts.
- Disturbing visions/images
In affecting the client’s emotions and body, demonically induced depression, anger, rage is for the purpose of
isolating client from family and friends. Physical attacks in the form of biting, scratching, punches, etc. also wear a client down emotionally.
physical attacks in the form of ? happens in the demonic process
biting, scratching, punches, etc
Ongoing sleep deprivation wears the victim down and fatigues them.
Experiencing nightmares of a demonic nature disturb sleep, often waking them to see things within the room.
Demonic oppression can involve a victim’s perception being distorted. This is done to prevent the client from
seeing the source of help or resolution in regards or religion or Christianity. Sometimes a victim will not perceive words associated with God, such as Jesus, prayer, Church, Holy, etc
In cases of severe oppression, the demonic can take over the victim’s body, but in a limited way. To some extent, the demon(s) take ownership of the body for brief periods of time.
True or false
Oppression affects thoughts of the victim in a myriad of ways:
- Paranoia
- Distrust of others
- Irrational beliefs
- Intrusive thoughts from foreign source
- Hearing voices from within or without.
- Negative experiences while perceiving holy things or hearing someone pray.
- Touching the victim in various ways.
- Writing or occult symbols appearing on victim’s body in raised welts.
Using deliverance prayers on a possessed person will only anger and inflame the possessing demon and make the situation worse. This will put you in serious danger and will not free the possessed.
When the person is in control of their body they usually hear the demons talking to them (and each other) in their head, threatening them and giving instructions on what to do or not do at all times.
The person’s ability to actively ask for help will likely be severely curtailed by threats and punishments.
An exorcism is needed immediately at this stage.
There are various types of possession. They are:
- Full possession – Demonic entity constantly possessing the possessed.
- Transient Possession – Demonic entity goes in and out of possessed.
- Perfect or Total Possession - A person’s will has been submerged and no longer able to resist.
- Involuntary Possession – I am listing this particular one only so that you will be familiar with it, as I believe this form of possession is without merit. It is said that there have been occurrences of involuntary possession in which holy people are possessed to help expiate the sins of others. One such person that many believed suffered for the type of possession was a German girl named Anneliese Michel upon whom the movie The Exorcism of Emily Rose was based. There is no scriptural support for this type of possession.
Signs: Physical Changes of the Possessed
- May or may not levitate.
- May go long periods of time without blinking – could indicate a Neuro condition 3. It May appear catatonic – could also be a sign of mental illness
- Speak in language can’t possibly know or English with unusual accents – careful MPD
- The person will become completely rigid where they cannot be moved at all, even by multiple people.
- Look for changes in eyes – may turn almost like black shark eyes
- May possess inhuman strength
- May speak in tongues
- Writing or symbols may appear on the body in the form of welts and scratches 10. May have multiple voices come from a person at the same time
- Take note if animals appear frightened of the person, especially if they begin acting fearful when there are personality changes in the person
- Aversion to religious objects and holy names
- Cough or vomit when the demon comes out – Bible says evil spirits come out with a shriek (Acts 8:7)
14, Obvious changes in their features - The person may exhibit “precognition,” the ability to predict the future.
- The person displays “retrocognition,” the ability to know about past events they should not know about.
- The person may be able to know something about a person they have not met. 18, Their voice may change. It may go from high to low to guttural.
- They may be able to tell what you are thinking.
- They may move in some unusual way. For example, they may seem to glide instead of walk.
- Writing or symbols may appear on the body in the form of welts and scratches. Look especially in areas they could not reach.
- Hair or eye color may change.
Signs: Mental Changes of the Possessed
- Look for changes in personality
- Someone who is normally active suddenly becomes isolative
- Changes in attitude and behavior, usually becoming hostile
- Someone who begins cursing a lot when that is out of character for them
- Suddenly has an aversion to religious objects. They may be a person who normally goes to Church but suddenly despises the thought.
- Look for evidence of self-mutilation 7. Changes in the way a person dresses
- Look for destructiveness on the part of the person, especially if that destruction of religious objects
- May become abusive and threatening for no reason
- Person may experience severe nightmares or night terrors
- They may perform acts of humiliation, such as urinating on themselves, etc., and may consume the same.
- Look for changes in sleep patterns.
- Look for sudden weight loss or gain.
- Observe their personal hygiene and look for changes.
- Look for evidence of occult materials in the room.
- They may become violent. They often attempt to hurt animals.
- They may be sexually pre-occupied. Excessive masturbation or doing it in front of others.
- Take note of what appears to be a different personality or multiple personalities.
- Look for unusual changes in diet. Foods that were once favorites may now be repulsive to the person. They may eat foods that they once detested.
- Take note if they seem to have blackouts in their memory.
Preternatural changes in the environment should be noted. Apart from signs already mentioned with the other two stages, the following outward manifestations may also occur:
- Objects may disappear and not be found again. (Aporting)
- Objects may disappear and be found in another location. (Teleporting)
- Objects may disappear and later be found where they originally were.
- Objects may come from nowhere. (Apports)
- Objects fly around as if they were thrown from unseen hands.
- Odd lights may be seen. They may shoot around a room.
- There may be sightings of people or dark shadows that may or may not have formed.
- Odd-looking creatures may be seen.
- Doors and drawers may open and close on their own.
- Spontaneous fires may startup.
- Any talk of God or religion may cause an outbreak of activity.
- Glass may break for no reason.
- Sounds of glass breaking may be heard, but there is no evidence of it happening.
- There may be sudden temperature changes, up and down although it is usually down. These can be recorded on a thermometer.
- A person may suddenly become cold while the temperature remains constant. A thermometer may record a one to two-degree drop in that person.
- People may have a feeling of being watched or that they are not alone.
- There may be a sensation of wind blowing even with the windows closed.
- Lights will go off or not come on when turned on.
- Apparent retaliation after some attempt to stop the activity.
Properly trained priests, exorcists, demonologists, and investigators who witness signs of possession know that one who manifests these symptoms must first be evaluated by a psychiatrist in order for said person to receive treatment or to rule out mental illness in order to proceed with exorcism. This is imperative as mental health symptoms and symptoms of possession mimic one another. Treating a mental problem with exorcism can have devastating effects on a mentally ill person.
If the meter detects fluctuations of 2.0 to 7.0 electromagnetic fields static or moving, without a discernible source, it usually indicates ???
Perhaps more important than the foregoing, the investigator can use the EMF meter to debunk a haunting
spirit presence
Any reading that is higher or lower than 2.0 and 7.0 normally has a
natural source. This is why it is important to take a baseline reading of the structure or area prior to the actual investigation.
Before we are too quick to write a “haunting” off, we ask spirits to turn on and off something such as a flashlight or to light up an EMF meter on command as the foregoing can only be accomplished by an intelligent entity, not high EMF.