Theme F: Social Justice Flashcards
What is long-term development?
Projects such as educational programmes that help people to help themselves
What is the UNDHR?
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
What is a “sweatshop”?
A factory with very low pay and unsafe working conditions
What is charity?
Voluntarily giving time or money to help the needy.
What is interest?
Money paid back on loans in addition to the original amount borrowed
What is the fairtrade movement?
A system of certification that aims to ensure a set of standards are met in the production and supply of a product or ingredient.
What is a human right?
The basic rights and freedoms to which everyone should be entitled
Which Christian denominations do not ordain women as priests?
Orthodox and Roman Catholic
According to the Bible what is the root of all evil?
The love of money
What is a loan?
Amount of money borrowed from a lender, usually paid back in instalments with interest.
Why do many Christians support same-sex marriage?
They believe in the teaching “Love your neighbour”
What is positive discrimination?
Favouring a person or group to try and rectify negative treatment; it is unlawful in the UK according to the Equality Act 2010.
What is equality?
The belief human beings are of equal value and status
What is a tithe?
The giving of 1/10th of a Christians income, usually to the Church
What does the Catholic Church say about same-sex relationships?
The Catholic Church argues part of the purpose of sex is to procreate and so homosexuality is wrong
What is social justice?
Bringing justice to society so that all people have the same opportunities, and can take advantage of them
Who became the first female bishop in the Church of England?
Libby Lane
What is discrimination?
The actions that result from prejudice against an individual or group
What is the term for the illegal movement of people for forced labour?
People trafficking
What is the state of being without money or basic needs?
Name a Christian who fought against apartheid in South Africa
Desmond Tutu
In which parable does are those who feed the hungry awarded a place in heaven?
The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
What is freedom of religious expression?
The right to practice one’s faith in whichever way one chooses
What is exploitation?
The misuse of power or money to get others to do things for little money
What is wealth?
The money or possessions a person has
What is positive action?
Positive action is putting things in place to help overcome disadvantage in order to help someone fully participate in an activity or workplace.
Why are some Christians unaccepting of same-sex relationships?
Genesis suggests God intended a man and woman to be together (Adam and Eve)
What is the giving of aid?
Providing assistance to those in need in the form of goods or money
What is a “payday loan”?
A short term loan with very high interest rates e.g. 1000%
What is short-term aid?
Help in emergency situations such as drinking water, shelter, food and medical care
Name a Christian who fought against the segregation by race in the USA
Martian Luther King
In which parable does the rich man go to hell and the poor man go to heaven?
The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
What do Christians believe about the status of different genders?
It is equal.
Which Biblical says that people of all races, religions and genders are equal?
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile (non-Jew), neither slave nor
free, nor is there male or female for you are all one in Christ
What is fair pay?
Payment that is appropriate for the work done.
What is homosexuality?
Being physically/sexually attracted to persons of the same gender.
What did Paul say about women in the Church?
That they should remain silent.
What is prejudice?
Holding biased opinions about an individual or group