Muslim Practices Flashcards
What is Zakah?
One of the Five Pillars and Ten Obligatory Acts; giving alms (2.5% of savings above the minimum threshold)
What is Salah?
Prayer five times a day (or three for Shi’as as two are merged); one of the Five Pillars/Ten Obligatory Acts.
What is Jihad?
To struggle’. The personal or collective struggle against evil
What is greater or inner jihad?
The personal struggle of every Muslim to live by the teachings of their faith
What is involved in fasting?
Not eating or drinking; one of the Five Pillars is Sawm during Ramadan.
What is Makkah?
Place of pilgrimage during Hajj; the spiritual centre of Islam
What is Hajj?
One of the Five Pillars/Ten Obligatory Acts; pilgrimage to Makkah, which all Muslims must undertake at least once in their lives, unless prevented by problems over wealth or health.
What is ablution (wudu)?
Ritual washing before prayer
What is the Shahadah?
The Shahadah - Muslim declaration of faith; one of the Five Pillars in Sunni Islam.
What are the ten obligatory acts?
These are requirements for Shi’a Muslims.
What are movements or rakahs?
Actions and ritual movements made during salah (prayer) consisting of recitations, standing, bowing and prostration.
What is Ramadan?
Month during which Muslims fast (sawm) from dawn to sunset.
What is Sawm?
Fasting from dawn to dusk during Ramadan; one of the Five Pillars/Ten Obligatory Acts.
What is lesser or outer jihad?
This refers to the military struggle to defend Islam. It is carried out according to strict and clear cut rules
What is the Night of Power?
The night on which Muhammad received the first revelations of the Qur’an during Ramadan, Muslims try to stay awake and read the Qur’an and pray.