theme e - crimes and punishment Flashcards
where does evil come from? christians’ pov
original sin that we all inherit
“in sin did my mother conceive me”
“Intent of man’s heart is evil from youth”
“For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil”
many Christians believe satan gives temptations to encourage people to behave against God’s rules
where does evil come from? buddhist pov
evil acts strongly motivated by the Three Poisons
all unenlightened beings are capable of good or evil
we are fully responsible for our actions
what are the three poisons?
greed hatred ignorance
reformation of evil in christianity
hell, eternity suffering and punished
or feel truly sorry, confess and you will be forgiven
reformation of evil in buddhism
follow the eightfold path, 4 noble truths
keep rebirth cycle until enlightenment reached
“Try to extinguish the three poisons by following the eightfold path and meditate …”
aims of punishment
what is deterrence
unpleasant punishment so offender is put off from committing crimes again to avoid the punishment
‘Obey the laws of the land’
what is retribution
taking revenge on offender
“an eye for an eye”
what is reformation
try to change the nature of the offender
4 types of punishments in present day
community service
should human punishment exist? arguments in favour
- “an eye for an eye”
- to keep society safe and deter crimes
- vindication to uphold the law
- god created the world in his own image, if there is punishment in the afterlife, there is too in human life
-(Buddhism)’Hatred does not cease by hatred hatred ceases by love’
should human punishment exist? arguments against
- the cycle of Mara/ karma will eventually punish the individual
- current punishments are not very effective, crime rates are just as high if not higher, so human punishments are not fully effective
- god has his plan, let god do the ultimate decision on each individual’s judgement day
- metta and karuna
- 5 moral precepts
“God gave life and only god can take it away”
Amnesty international = human rights advocating inherent value of human life (against death penalty)
advantages of prison
Prisons to keep society safe, protection
Vindication - uphold law and justice
disadvantages of prison
High reoffence rate
Worsen their mental health issues
Only god can take life
Forgiveness – “forgive your brother 70×7 times”
attitudes towards causing suffering to others for punishment
the golden rule- “treat others like how you want to be treated”
“love thy neighbours”
sanctity of life- even though they committed crime does not mean we can treat them like they are not god’s creation
metta and karuna
10 commandments, 5 moral precepts
“god is infinite love and goodness”, behave like Jesus: forgive instead
forgiveness as an attitude to criminals?
jesus said we should forgive “not seven times but seventy times seven”
forgiveness is a holy sacrament
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
metta and karuna
Retribution in Christianity (why?why not?)
‘ Truly whatever you did not do for them you did not do for me’
‘for when I was hungry you gave me something to eat’
‘Love your neighbour’
‘pray for those who persecute you’
‘forgive us of our sins as we forgive those who sin against us’
‘forgive your brother 70×7 times’
‘whoever spares the rod spoils their children but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them’
Buddhism – moral precept
Abstain from taking what has not been freely given
Shows craving
Karmic consequences ( unskillfull )
Christianity – 10 Commandments
do not steal / do not covet
Golden rule – do unto others as you would have them do unto you
Buddhist reformation- what should happen?
Recognise the suffering caused
Apologise to victim
Transformation to change behaviour
(Showing Metta and Karuna)
“ if one speaks or acts with a good mind, because of that, happiness follows one”
Christian reformation- what should happen?
“If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him”
“ forgive your brother, 70×7 times”
“Treat others as you would like them to treat you “
Corporal punishment against
Breaks human rights and encourages violence (utilitarians disagree)
Love Thy Neighbor
He who lives by the sword dies by the sword’
First moral precept
Lacks metta and karuna
Unskillful -> bad karma
Corporal punishment for
Cheap way of punishing effectively
Acts as deterrence
Allows the convicted person to resume normal life quickly
Could have no long-term effects
Prison causes taxes for society
Principle of utility – harsh punishment of one person deterred others
“Spare the rod and spoil the child “
Old Testament teachings
What is the principle of utility
The concept of acting out of the greater good for the most people
Hate crimes
Equality and love ≠ motivated by prejudice or revenge
Illegal- ‘ Obey the laws of the land’
Golden rule - ‘ Do unto others as you would have them do unto you ‘
Hatred =3 poisons
Not karuna/metta ‘My religion is simple my religion is kindness’
Karmic consequences
‘Love your enemies’
‘One in jc’
Death penalty💔💔
Illegal in the UK
main aim of punishment is Reformation
not loving or compassionate
‘for i the Lord give life and I take away’
God is all forgiving
expensive and could be falsely administrated
Deterrence? ‘An eye for an eye’