theme a - relationship and families Flashcards
christian attitudes to sex? plus quotes
“body is a temple where the holy spirit lives”
sex is only for procreation “be fruitful and multiply”
‘Love another the way I love you’
‘Any act which deliberately prevents procreation is an intrinsic evil’ = natural law
christian attitudes towards adultery and marriage? quotes
“every sexual act must be within the framework of marriage”
“do not commit adultery” - 10 commandments
“love one another the way I love you”
“Flee from sexual immorality”
religious attitudes towards homosexuality?
- gay or lesbian sex cannot lead to pregnancy so it is a sin, “unrighteous”
- marriage exclusively one man one woman
- god made a male and female in genesis, Adam and Eve so it is what God intends for mankind
(Not part of gods plan)
- considered sexual misconduct
- but as long as beneficial to path to enlightenment its not
Values + morals» sexuality
Dalai Lama said that a Buddhist relationship between two men is wrong
buddhist views on sex?
no sexual misconduct - 5 moral precepts. 4 noble truths: must stop what we want to achieve nirvana
cravings is one of 3 poisons, need to resist mara’s temptations. sex condones attachment hence emotional damage, hence affect path to enlightenment
religious beliefs on pre-marital sex/ adultery
- “sex is sacred”
- “trust between married couples to keep it exclusive”
- “the body is a temple where the holy spirit lives”
- craving, 3 poisons, root of suffering
- not following 8 fold path
views of marriage in christianity
Catholics - it is a holy sacrament, divine blessing from god
“be fruitful and multiply”
‘Til death do us part’ covenant before god
for procreation, religious duty and obligation
Part of natural law
views of marriage in buddhism + quote
as long as it brings the couple clarity, happiness, on path and direction towards enlightenment
“in true love you attain freedom”
Social contract + not a religious duty/sacred act
Blessed by monk
Help each other develop metta + karuna
christian beliefs on contraception
- artificial contraception is wrong, since it is against natural laws. it breaks the natural connection between procreative and unitive purpose of sex
- for pleasure so it is a sin
- religious duty to have sex only to “be fruitful and multiply”
- the body is a temple with the Holy Spirit within you”
buddhist beliefs on contraception
- as long as it doesnt affect journey towards enlightenment
- no religious duty to have children
- sex for pleasure = subjecting to cravings = negative karma
sexual misconduct = 5 moral precepts
christian beliefs on divorce and remarriage
- divorce is always wrong
( Catholic Church do not recognise ) - “till death do us part” broken vow in holy sacrament ceremony: must respect holy sacraments of God
- causes damage to mystical body of christ
- remarriage is considered adultery, 10 commandments
‘Whoever divorces… Then married another, it is as if he committed adultery’
‘God hates divorce’
marriage can be annulled if never a valid sacramental marriage
eg forced into the marriage/maturity /non-consummation
(Church of England =divorce against the will of God but accepts that it is sometimes legitimate. contract that may be ended)
buddhist beliefs on divorce and remarriage
if you really love them, metta and karuna - if the choice helps transform and lead to enlightenment it is not opposed against
must prevent feelings of hurt and suffering that is bad karma. end on good terms
religious teachings about gender equality
“There is neither Jew nor gentile, there is nor neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus”
“God created mankind in his own image, male and female he created them”
“ I do not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man”
“Your husband…… will rule over you”
practices of dhamma is same for everyone
“if a man denies the possibility of enlightenment of a woman, his enlightenment is impossible”
Lotus sutra = all men and women equal ability to practise /achieve enlightenment
Buddha ordained women as nuns
Educating children in the faith
Religion key part of identity
Part of community + children learn morality
‘Anyone who does not provide for their relatives… Has denied the faith’
‘Train a child in the way he should go’
‘Bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord’
‘Parents have the responsibility of education of their children’
God reveals himself as Father and Jesus as Son and humans as his children so family is central
family reflects Christ’s relationship with the Church - ‘Husbands love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her.’
Raising children in Buddhism is part of the purpose of the family
(Wrong to ‘force’ religion ?)
‘Honour your father and mother’ ‘Children obey your parents in everything for this pleases the Lord. Fathers do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.’
Providing a loving / caring environment for children
husbands and wives are expected to respect and honour each other + cultivate love
children are expected to be obedient and respect their parents and other relatives
Different roles of men and women
Women = ‘not to be in charge
Child care + housekeeping
Men = work and look after their family
Jesus disciples all men
Equality≠ uniformity
Gods plan of creation
Church=motherhood, priesthood=christ