theme D: religion, peace and conflict Flashcards
The opposite of war; harmony between all in society.
Bringing fairnessback to a situation.
Letting go of bad feelings towards someone who has caused pain
Making up between two groups/sides after disagreement
becoming better
an expression of disapproval, often in a public group
using actions that threaten or harm others
the unlawful use of violence, usually against
innocent civilians, to achieve a political goal
violence and protest: christian attitudes
- Teaches against violence as Jesus said ‘Blessed are the peace markers’
- Christians are told to love their enemies.
- Humans have free will and where nonviolent protest is ignored, violent protest is ignored, violent protest are used for good.
violence and protest: buddhist attitudes
- Not accepting of violence (not ahimsa and causes dukkha)
- Speaking out about injustice is compassionates (Right action and Right Speech)
- Protesting to achieve what is right is acceptable as long as violence is not used.
terrorism: christian attitudes
- Most Christians are against terrorism and prefer more peaceful ways of resolving issues
- ‘Do not kill’
- ‘Blessed are the peacekeepers’
- ‘Love your enemies and pray for them’
terrorism: buddhist attitudes
Many Buddhists believe it is important to condemn terrorism because it expresses hatred.
* A Buddhist response to terrorism should express love rather than hatred. Revenge and retaliation are no the appropriate answer
* No-one should kill, nor incite others to do so
* Goes against the 1st precept - ‘Do not harm any living thing’
reasons for war
self defence
greed in war
to gain more land, power or resources.
self defence in war
If a country or religion is under attack then it can be seen as right/ correct to defend your country
retaliation in war
Sometimes a country will be attacked and it causes retaliation.
religion as a cause of war: for
Religious can be involved in war if two different countries with
different religions are in conflict
* Religious beliefs can divide people and violence can happen
* People can interpret religious teachings for their own
advantage meaning war can happen in the name of religion
religion as a cause of war: against
Religion can bring people together, solve crises and bring peace
* True religious beliefs do not cause war – people cite religion as a cause to increase their own power.
* Religion teaches about peace and forgiveness – most religions are against violence and war
just war
A war which meets internationally accepted criteria
for fairness; follows traditional Christian rules for a Just War, and is now accepted by all other religions.
holy war
fighting for a religious cause or God, often inspired by a religious leader
just war: christian attitudes
Proposed by St Augustine in the 13th Century. The rules are
* Just cause – must not be for revenge
* Intention
* Resort (last) – all other methods have been tried first
* Authority – must be elected by a government
* Success – have a reasonable chance of winning
just war: buddhist attitudes
- Does not believe in any war
- Goes against the 1st Precept of harming others
- Hatred does not cease by hatred, hatred ceases by love
holy war: christian attitudes
- Fought for God or faith
- Must be the last resort – the enemy must have the opportunity to make peace.
- Believers are obligated to fight.
- Must be conducted fairly – just treatment of the enemy.
- Justice and peace should be restored.
holy war: buddhist attitudes
- Does not believe in
any war - Goes against
the 1st Precept of harming others - Hatred does not cease by hatred, hatred ceases by love
nuclear weapons
They devastate huge areas and kill large numbers of people. For example the US forces used atom (nuclear) bombs on the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima during the second world war causing Japan to surrender
weapons of mass destruction
Biological weapons that use living organisms to cause disease or death. Chemical weapons using chemicals to harm humans and destroy the natural environment
nuclear weapons: christian attitudes
- Only God has the right to end life
- One of the Ten commandments ‘You shall not murder’
- Their use goes against the teachings of Jesus.
- ‘any use of nuclear weapons violate the sanctity of life and principle of dignity core to our faith traditions’
- Some Christian see stockpiling nuclear weapons as a deterrent to maintain peace and prevent attack
nuclear weapons: buddhist attitudes
- Most Buddhists believe nuclear weapons should be abolished, as there is always a risk they will be used as long as they exist.
- They also believe the real problem is not the weapons but the attitude of human beings.
- ‘For peace, the basic thing to do is not to remove nuclear weapons but to remove the fear, anger and suspicion in us.’
weapons of mass destruction: christian attitudes
- Weapons of mass destruction kill huge numbers of innocent civilians, so their use can never be justified.
The belief of people who refuse to take part in war or any form of violence. Pacifists believe; War and violence can rarely or never be justified
* Prevention of war by promoting peace and justice
* Prayer and meditation can help people be at peace with themselves and others
weapons of mass destruction: buddhist attitudes
- Weapons of mass destruction cause large scale suffering and their use goes against the first moral precept, which is to abstain from taking life
The action of trying to establish peace, and a peacemaker is someone who works to establish peace in the world or in a certain part of it.
pacifism: christian attitudes
- The religious Society of Friends (Quakers) is a Christian denomination that strongly supports pacifism.
- Many Christians are not pacifists because they believe war is sometimes necessary in self defence
pacifism: buddhist attitudes
- Buddhist teachings strongly promote pacifism and are pacifists because they think war is never justified.
- The first moral precept teaches that Buddhists should not harm or kill any living thing
- The Buddha taught Buddhists should try instead to develop compassion for all beings and that violence should be avoided.
peace-making: christian attitudes
Christian pacifists follow Jesus example and teaching:
* ‘blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.’
* Mairhead Corrigan and Betty Williams – A Catholic and Protestant from Northern Ireland who formed the ‘Peace People’ organisation in 1976.
* Organised peace marches and other events throughout the UK to bring Catholics and Protestants together to call for peace between both sides in Northern Ireland.
* Awarded the 1976 Nobel peace prize
peace-making: buddhist attitudes
- Teaches that peace comes from within each person, but people also need to work to improve society so it is easier to develop this sense of peace.
- To live in peace, Buddhists must try to create a world that favours peaceful states of minds.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
- A Vietnamese monk who supports nonviolent protests
- Combines meditative practice with non-violent protests
- A pioneer of engaged Buddhism, which aims to use the Buddha’s teachings to improve social justice.
victims of war
Those directly involved in the fighting, their families and dependants, and refugees whose homes, and societies have been destroyed.
responses to victims of war
Charities help provide shelter, and supplies for refugees to those providing medical and psychological care for members of the military
responses to victims of war: christian attitudes
- Caritas is a catholic organisation that helps the poor and promotes justice worldwide
- Inspired by the teachings of Jesus and the Catholic church
- Aims to provide practical help to those suffering through conflict
- In 2015 provided food and shelter to those fleeing civil war in Syria
responses to victims of war: buddhist attitudes
Tzu Chi Foundation was founded in Taiwan
* Inspired by the Bodhisattva goal to help all beings become free from suffering
* Runs educational, welfare, health and cultural projects
* Opened a clinic in Istanbul to help with the medical needs of Syrian refugees
* All treatment is free
victims of war: christian
- Christians support such organisations because Jesus taught people to ‘Love thy neighbour as yourself’
- In the parable of the Good Samaritan Jesus taught that everyone is everybody else’s neighbour regardless of race, age, gender, religion or political beliefs.
victims of war: buddhist
- Organisations are supported because Buddhists believe all suffering should be stopped.
- Many Buddhists believe victims of war need psychological help and spiritual in addition to basic necessities required for survival.
- Victims should be encouraged to develop compassion towards aggressors, as this not only helps the victims but helps the aggressors to change
just war theory
just war theory: strengths
just war theory: weaknesses
just war: conditions
holy war: christian quote
holy war: buddhist quote
forgiveness: christian attitudes
forgiveness: buddhist attitudes
forgiveness: christian quote
forgiveness: buddhist quote
crime vs sin
crime: types
crime: causes
you are responsible for your crime: for
you are responsible for your crime: against
punishment: types
retribution: christian attitudes
retribution: buddhist attitudes
protection: chrisitan attitudes
protection: buddhist attitudes
deterrence: chrisitan views
deterrence: buddhist views
reformation: christian views
reformation: buddhist views
corporal punishment
community service
prison: christian views
prison: buddhist views
corporal punishment: christian views
corporal punishment: buddhist views
community service: christian views
community service: buddhist views
capital punishment
death penalty
death penalty: for
death penalty: against
death penalty: christian quote
death penalty: buddhist quote
capital punishment: christian attitudes
capital punishment: buddhist attitudes