christian beliefs Flashcards
- God loves every person as a unique individual
- Parable of the Prodigal Son
God knows everything it is possible to know, much more than human beings can know
- God is completely fair and just, all will be judged fairly without discrimination - Shown in the Ten Commandments
God has unimaginable power. Shown when Jesus calms the storm
the problem of evil
If God is all-loving, all-knowing and all-powerful and just, then why does natural and moral evil exist?
the problem of evil: christian response
- An evil force, such as the Devil/ Satan causes evil and suffering
- The Book of Psalms offers reassurance that evil and suffering has a purpose
- St Augustine said that God had to give people Free Will
- The world is a ‘vale of soul-making’ according to John Hick, suffering educates our souls
the holy trinity
Christians believe in one God, it is a monotheistic religion. They believe in three equal, yet distinct persons in one god:
- Father: the loving creator and sustainer of the universe - “maker of heaven and earth”
- Son: the saviour who became incarnate
- Holy Spirit: the source of strength which Christians find at work in their hearts
genesis: fundamental
- The Creation story is literally true because the Bible is the literal ‘word of God’
- God made the world in 6 24-hour days
genesis fundamental: athiest view
- if you take genesis literally, do you take everything else in the bible literally too? there are lost of opposing views in the bible, you can’t take every part of it literally because your opinions would conflict
- flaws in the details of the genesis story: physical evidence that it took more than 6 days for the creation of the universe and earth, sun is created after plants, how did the plants survive
- theory of evolution
genesis: liberal
- God is omnipotent and created the world but the Bible story is metaphorical
- Science and religion together explain Creation
genesis liberal: athiest view
- paradox of the rock: can God create a rock he cannot lift?
- if God created the universe, who created God?
life after death
- Resurrection - Christians believe that the resurrection of Jesus proves life after death. They believe that they will return after they die.
- Judgement - Christians believe that a just God will decide their destination after they die, they believe that Jesus is also involved in judgement and will offer every human the opportunity of salvation.
- Heaven - Heaven is mentioned in the Bible but rarely described. Some believe it is a physical place, others believe it is a spiritual state of being united with God. The Bible teaches that there is no sin, sadness or suffering in heaven.
- Hell - The Bible teaches that hell is where unrepentant (people who aren’t worry) sinners go after death. It is a place of pain and suffering, without God.
- The soul - Christians believe the soul is immortal, death is only the end of the body.
life after death: literal
- heaven and hell are physical places
- those without faith who have lived a good life will be rewarded
- Jesus will return to Earth in the ‘Second coming’, “When Jesus comes again, He will judge the nations and will divide the righteous from the wicked” Matthew
life after death: theoretic
- heaven and hell are spiritual places
- members of all faiths have a place in the Kingdom of God
- belief in God is more important than life as a test for Final Judgement
jesus: fully god
- hypostatic union, fully god and fully human
- He is omnipotent and omniscient.
- He forgave sins
- He performed miracles
- He was resurrected
jesus: fully human
- hypostatic union, fully god and fully human
- He was born to a human mother - Mary
- He had a human body
- He showed human emotions such as amazement and sorrow
- He died
jesus’ last days
- The Last Supper - Jesus shares his last meal with his disciples where bread is broken and wine drunk. Jesus predicted that one disciple would betray him.
- Betrayal and arrest - Judas betrayed Jesus by telling the soldiers where he could be found, Jesus was arrested.
- Crucifixion - Jesus was tried and found guilty of blasphemy and sentenced to death on a cross.
- Resurrection - Jesus was brought back to life three days after his crucifixion.
- Ascension - Jesus ascended to heaven 40 days after his resurrection.
- salvation can be achieved by following the laws of God, like the 10 commandments “thou shalt not kill” exodus
- The grace of God is shown through unconditional and generous love for his people, even if they don’t deserve it
- The belief in salvation gives Christians hope that if they follow Jesus’ example, they can be rewarded in the next life in heaven
- Jesus death was an act of atonement for the original sin, sacrificing his life to redeem human sin
- It is seen as a victory of good over evil
original sin
- Adam and Eve created original sin by disobeying God in the Garden of Eden and eating a forbidden fruit
- This sin broke the relationship between God and humanity and carried through the rest of the human race
christian, selfless, unconditional love
when jesus rose up to heaven to be with god again
God in human form
oneness of God
the idea than God is “one”, there was no god before him and no god after him, he never changes
parable: the sheep and goats
- matthew
- explains the idea of judgement, and that you will be either rewarded or punished for your actions by God
- the sheep went to heaven and the goats went to hell because they were selfish
parable: the good samaritan
- luke
- teaches morality and that people should love everyone, even their enemies, and that it is harder and takes more discipline to do so
- the Samaritan helps someone that was attacked by robbers when others didn’t
- a branch of the Christian Church that broke away from the Catholic Church
- focuses on individual faith over traditions or institutions
the process of making people in conflict friendly again
he physical return of Jesus on the third day after he died, being brought back to life after death
the saving of the soul from sin